Personality tests Essays

  • Personality Test

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    (IQ) tests are common all over the world. The tests were initially conducted on young children mostly at the kindergarten age to measure their cognitive abilities in relation to others of the same age in a bid to ascertain the level of attention the pre-scholars would require from teachers upon joining school. In modern times, these tests are carried out on adults for different reasons such as for fun/general knowledge or to determine the best candidate for a job or academic purposes. It tests several

  • The Importance Of Personality Test

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    Understanding your own personality, strengths and weakness are vital for success within the work force. Studying your own actions and attributes to the work force, helps to engage and equip individuals for different situations. Knowledge and understanding of ones own self awareness helps drive daily out comes and brings awareness to lever daily situations in a way that is most productive to success and understanding of others. Within being proficient in self-awareness, individuals are able to contribute

  • Personality Test Reflection

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    type of personality test can lead to a lot of thought and reflection on yourself, how you live, and how you interact with other people. I have taken some personality tests in the past that seemed to have been way off from what I believed about myself. This could be in part because I took them at a younger age and didn’t really “know” myself at that time. The results of the JUNG Typology test and the DISC Assessment actually proved to be fairly accurate to how I view myself today. While the tests weren’t

  • Briggs Test Personality Test

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    Taking the Briggs test it seems I am one of the rare types, INFJ type personality. This makes me somewhat of a complex person with a complex personality that is often misunderstood. When reading the results I could relate to each and every category results. While shaking my head yes as I read on, it was surprising to me that a simple test can out line me as a person. Let me start with the first indication of my personality type, I- . In this description I would be considered an introvert rather than

  • Personality Test And Personality Factors

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    Here is a sampling of pitching your answer more uniquely to the Personality Test question of personality factors. Question: What are your colleagues’ views of your integrity in handling your work responsibilities? Rule-Consciousness Factor (i) I am a conscientious person. This answer is understated. (ii) I pride myself in handling my work responsibilities with integrity and am viewed as a conscientious person. Personality Test Is An Asset To Workplace Cultural Fit Do you know how much you are

  • Personality Test

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    The book defines personality as a person’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. Psychologist study a broad range of biological influences such as; personality development across the lifespan, personality aspects of learning, emotions, and motivation. There are two theories that are widely accepted referring to psychology, the humanistic theory, which states that personality comes from inner growth and self-fulfillment, and the psychoanalytic theory that focuses on childhood sexuality

  • What Is Your Personality Test Essay

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    are helpful for me, and the other test weren’t much of a help. First of all, I started with taking the self-assessment test

  • Myers-Briggs Personality Test Paper

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    This project paper comes from the results of taking the Myers-Briggs Personality Test that I recently have taken. The test itself puts forth questions of how one would react or respond in certain types of situations, based on ones outlook on life and how they would deal with issues especially in a business environment. Since I have been out of the work environment for over twenty years, the results of this personality test will coincide with my life experiences and the different aspects of the four

  • The Big-Five Personalities Test And Holland's Personality Test

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    There are many different personality tests out there and many to try. At the end of the test it will tell you what your personality is like. The different personality tests will be, The Big-Five Personality test, Myers-Briggs Personality test and Holland’s Personality test. The Big-Five Personality test is based on, Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. (Goldberg, 1992) Retrieved from My highest scoring area was

  • The Purpose Of Personality Test

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    Introduction: Personality test are made for people to help them understand more about themselves and why they are the way they are. I took one for Developmental Psychology and based on the choices I made on the questions, it determined my personality. The two personality test I took helped me figure out how I am. Purpose: The purpose of the test was to help me understand and determine who I really am and what kind of person I am. Hypothesis: Before I took the test I had wrote down what I thought

  • The Importance Of Personality Test

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    Most people, when looking at things like personality tests and horoscopes, and other conclusive assesments, tend to try and make sense of the response by relating what the personality test says to specific aspects about themselves. When I got my results back from the personality quiz, I was anything but surprised, if anything, the quiz just confirmed how indecisive I can be and how mixed my personality can be. In every single category, I had moderate results, never expressing too much of a lean in

  • Personality Test Essay

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    Personality Test Personality Test offer an insight into possible career choices or at least it tries to. Some feel that this is a very effective way to determine what the best fit for them is as far as a career, but is this the best determining factor for a career choice? It's a start. I feel that this test can have some validity in helping an individual with a career choice, but it is not exactly the way an individual should chose a career. Personality test are used in career counseling as a

  • Mbti Test Of Personality

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    Indicator (MBTI) is the most popular test of personality which has been used in thousands of organizations worldwide. It is designed to indicate psychological preferences in which human perceive the world and take a decision. This test consists of four principal psychological functions, which each consisting of two opposite preferences as can be seen in figure 1. The main idea is from 16 types of personality, only one that each person can be matched. Figure 1 MBTI personality types Source: http://pensivepilcrow

  • Personality Test Essay

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    Personality tests tell a person a lot about why a person is who they have become. I believe that these test if taken truthfully can identify deficiencies that individuals can work on to benefit not only themselves but others in the organizations that they work in. Some models state that it is in human nature and chemicals that decided how a person acts but I believe it is based on life experiences and a personality can change as long as a person knows the deficiencies and works to change them. Personality

  • Personality Test Results

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    My initial reaction to the personality test we took was surprising, I was surprised to see how much I had not changed since the last time I took the test. I took the same test last year, I took it in Future Focus the second trimester. Although it was only a year ago, many things can change in a year and the results could’ve changed from last year to this year. They didn’t so that’s good, well at least for me, its nice to know I'm consistent in my personality; most importantly it’s great to know

  • My Personality Test

    737 Words  | 2 Pages

    I’ve always struggled with my personality, between who I am and who I actually want to be. For example, I view myself as extroverted, but most people would say I am very introverted. As i look at my “Big Five” personality results, I have to say I agree with most of them. This test rated me as being low to open-mindedness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and negative emotion, and in the middle of introvert/extrovert. The first result I got on my personality test was a low rating on open-mindedness

  • The James Briggs Personality Tests: The Myers Briggs Personality Test

    830 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Myers Briggs personality test is a test that you take that will put in the category of one of the personalities. There are four points that help tell you personality. If you’re an introvert or extravert, if you use intuition or sensing, if you use thinking or feeling, and if you use judging or perceiving.The test asks questions that determines those traits. When I took my personality test I turned out to be a campaigner. A campaigner is very talkative, and do things that they want to do not what

  • The Jung Personality Test Or The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Test

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    The Jung Personality Type Test or The Myers- Briggs Personality Type Test is quiet familiar to me as I have taken it on more than one occasion and know of its general premise. The test is very popular in the business world but has been heavily criticized by academics due to its low validity and reliability. I would have to agree with academia because even though I have taken this test several times I have never been categorized as the same personality type twice. This does not mean that there have

  • The BFI Personality Test

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    Personality trait is one’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting across situations and over time. One can self-evaluate these traits by taking the Big Five Inventory (BFI) personality test. The BFI personality test uses the factor analysis to sum up the personality traits and classifies them into five different categories i.e Big Five (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism). In the following paper I will explore my personality using BFI test scores

  • Personality Test Analysis

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    a. According self tests using the Five Factor Model, my personality has low extraversion and emotional stability, a high degree of openness, and moderate levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness. Low extraversion is demonstrated in both professional and social envionments. While working a corporate job as a financial analyst, taking the time and initiative to interact with coworkers beyond the scope of the job was limited to a brief conversation once a day with the same two people. In large