Personality Test Results

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My initial reaction to the personality test we took was surprising, I was surprised to see how much I had not changed since the last time I took the test. I took the same test last year, I took it in Future Focus the second trimester. Although it was only a year ago, many things can change in a year and the results could’ve changed from last year to this year. They didn’t so that’s good, well at least for me, its nice to know I'm consistent in my personality; most importantly it’s great to know that I haven’t had any outside influence that dramatically changed who I was. As any other man made thing, the personality description in my views is wrong in some areas. ISFJs as described by the article are very private about all their own personal feelings, thoughts, opinions, everything in general. I don’t keep all my emotions, problems, thoughts, or opinions to myself; I have a support group composed of my closest family, and friends. It would be very difficult to live that way, but I guess it is also in there for a reason. Overall the article was very accurate in their descriptio...

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