Jung Typology: Meyer's Brigg Awareness Paper

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Jung Typology/Meyer's Brigg Awareness Paper According to the Jung Typology Test, I identify with two somewhat closely related personalities. On the test is scored Introvert(17%) Sensing(56%) Feeling(12%) Judging(1%), because my scores leaned towards the judging trait by only one percent the website stated that I may identify with the ISFP and ISFJ personality traits. The I at the beginning of both personality traits represents for an introvert, which is a person who retreats mentally. The S and F stand for sensing and feeling, which means that I make real and practical decisions based on how they affect myself and others. The P and the J stand for perceiving and judging since I apparently straddle the fence of these two characteristics, I at times may love rules and structure and at other times feel suffocated by them. I can see myself in the results, but I can't really take the results seriously because I can't help but be skeptical in the back of my mind. What made me believe my results, is the fact that I received two results. Having the test say that I identify with another personality type made me feel that the creator of the test knew what he/she was doing because people are …show more content…

Also, on another website I found that the ISFJ personality type is naturally social, which made me believe in the Jung Typology test a little more. I also identified with the ISFP personality, I believe that I am more like the ISFP personality type when I’m outside of school. Some IFSP traits I identify with is artisticness, the random need to do something, not wanting to control nor be controlled, and being a tactile learner. Tho only thing I disagree with for the ISFJ personality is the whole memory thing because I don't have that great of a memory. I can remember events and what happened, but I can't remember details like how the article

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