Learning Theories Essays

  • Learning Theory Of Learning

    1924 Words  | 4 Pages

    Learning is one of the important parts throughout life in which human engage. Generally learning has been defined as changes in behaviour resulting from the experience. Discroll (2000, as cited in Siemens 2005) define learning as a constant change in potential of human achievement or performance that occurs as a result of the student experience and interaction with the world. In order to understand the nature of learning, various theories of learning have been proposed by psychologist. According

  • Learning Theory Behaviorism

    2972 Words  | 6 Pages

    THE LEARNING THEORY BEHAVIORISM: BEHAVIORIST GORDON ALLPORT AND BURRHUS SKINNER INTRODUCTION The behavoristic approach has exerted a strong influence on American Psychology. The basic ideas of behaviorism are: human behavior is a product of the Stimulus-Response interaction and that behavior is modifiable. It has triggered scientific experiments and the use of statistical procedures. Most importantly, it has turned the attention of psychology to solving real behavior related problems

  • Learning And Cognitive Learning Theory

    1083 Words  | 3 Pages

    Learning theories Learning theories help in describing how the information is being immersed, managed, and recollected during the process of learning. Factors such as intellectual, sentimental, past experiences and environmental issues play an important part in the learning process and to acquire knowledge. Behavioral theories Behaviorism, as a learning theory, is based on a change in knowledge through controlled stimulus/response conditioning. This type of learner is dependent upon an instructor

  • Reflection On Learning Theory

    1731 Words  | 4 Pages

    Reflective Assessment on Learning Theory Leah Brackin Arkansas State University Reflective Assessment on Learning Theory Each of the three learning theories, Cognitivism, Constructivism, and Behaviorism, has worth and merit in my opinion. Yet, each one has its own unique qualities with one common factor, the learning process. It seems to me that the best teacher is one who would utilize all the theories of learning. However, if I look closely, I am most likely favoring one or two more

  • Adult Learning Theories

    1716 Words  | 4 Pages

    present the evidence-supported adult learning theories and approaches. The three theories include Socio Cultural, Social Ecological, and Experiential Learning. The adult learning theories reflect the ways in which the adults assimilate skills, attitude, knowledge, and information. The theories are the organised set of principles, which explains the process through which adults gain, retain, and recall the knowledge. In the field of education, the learning theories have played an important role in understanding

  • Theories Of Social Learning Theory

    720 Words  | 2 Pages

    People are not hired wired to make bad decisions; some theories suggest that people learn to engage in criminal behavior the same way they learn other behavior. These theories, known as social learning theories, are used to explain patterns of behavior and the learning processes behind crime. Social learning theories stem from Shaw and McKay’s social disorganization, and cultural transmission theories help explain why crime is more prevalent, accepted, and tolerated in certain areas than others

  • Learning Styles and Learning Theories

    973 Words  | 2 Pages

    Building on from the learning styles and theories I have covered, it is clear to see that although they target multiple learning groups; they fail to underpin any techniques, skills and strategies to become an effective learner. “Many students can perform and obtain good results, but that itself may be insufficient to make them effective learners. Often the distinction between performance and learning is blurred and many students have difficulty reflecting on how they can learn to become better learners”

  • Learning theories

    629 Words  | 2 Pages

    Learning has given different definitions depending on the context in which it is used. Some individual have define it as any experience which changes the behavior of an individual. Moreover, Learning is all about how experiences affect the subsequent behavior of an individual. Learning theorists have some mechanisms to explain the consequences of experience on behavior change. However, human beings are flexible to adapt to environmental changes. They can learn from their environmental changes. There

  • Contextual Theory Of Learning Theory

    1446 Words  | 3 Pages

    Behavioral Theory The behavioral theory involves the formation of associations between stimuli and response (LT, 21). Behaviorism is expressed through conditioning, associating stimuli and responses (LT, 55). As Skinner describes the environment helps to predict the cues for how an individual will respond to a stimulus. Stimuli, response, contingencies are the three contingencies of the basis of behavioral theory. (114). An association through experiences along with trial and error is when learning

  • Learning Theories

    1055 Words  | 3 Pages

    Learning theories Paper This class has given me a lot of insight about the way I want to go about teaching my classes. Not only has it given me ideas on stuff that I have never thought of but it also broke down and explained the ones that I already have seen. When I look at behaviorism now and connect it to all the things that I do in not only my classes of the past, but also my current classes, I see just how far the ideas and understanding of human learning has come. It was almost frustrating

  • Social Learning Theory

    1064 Words  | 3 Pages

    Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory describes the process through which people acquire new info, forms of behavior, or attitudes from others firsthand or vicariously. The likelihood of a behavior presenting itself will rely on the amount of reinforcement it receives and the value that the individual associates to it. While some behavior may be rewarded, others may produce unfavorable responses. An individual will learn from the consequences of these actions and when a similar situation arises

  • Transformative Learning Theory

    1174 Words  | 3 Pages

    Edward W. Tayor and Patrica Cranton 's textbook: The Handbook of Transformative learning, Research and Practice contains an amalgamation of theories that has been amassed by an ecumenical panel of scholar over the years. In Chapter 1, the writers lay out a vast array of theories and reflect on assumptions that are perceived by way of personal experiences and early learned social behavior. Transformative learning therefore is a fluid process that examines, challenges, questions and later revises

  • Methods And Theories Of Bandura's Social Learning Theory

    1695 Words  | 4 Pages

    Learning Theories: Learning theories are an organized set of principles explaining how individuals acquire, retain, and recall knowledge. By studying and knowing the different learning theories, we can better understand how learning occurs. The principles of the theories can be used as guidelines to help select instructional tools, techniques and strategies that promote learning. It can be viewed in terms of motivation and implications of teaching. 1. Behaviourism Behaviourist teaching methods

  • Social Learning Theory

    1540 Words  | 4 Pages

    The social learning theory is a psychological view point that states people obtain knowledge how to function by modeling themselves after the people whom they have observed (Schmalleger, 2011). The modeling theory of aggression by Albert Bandura analyzes the advancement of aggressive behavior by an individual’s observation of others (Osterburg, 2010). Although the social learning theory states that people can learn through observation, learning does not necessarily lead to aggressive behavior.

  • Bandura Learning Theory

    923 Words  | 2 Pages

    The learning perspective is the science that studies the environmental and experiential influences on a person’s actions and behavior. In the learning perspective, scientists have proposed two ideas that explain why people behave the way they do; these are behaviorism and social-cognitive learning theory. Behaviorism includes two theories: classical conditioning, and operant conditioning (McLeod, Psychology Perspectives, 2007). Classical conditioning proposes that behavior, attitudes, and responses

  • Cognitivist Learning Theory: Behaviorist And Social Learning Theories

    1014 Words  | 3 Pages

    Contrast behaviorist and cognitivist learning theories. BEHAVIORIST THEORY COGNITIVIST LEARNING THEORY Learning takes place only if observable behavior change takes place. Learning does not have to result in a change in behavior. Learning is viewed largely as a matter of trial and error: In any new situation, people try a variety of responses, increasing those that lead to desirable consequences and leaving unproductive ones behind. Most learning takes place not through trial and error but instead

  • Essay On Learning Theory

    1487 Words  | 3 Pages

    Learning is a very complex process. To determine my own individual learning preferences, I took the free multiple Intelligences test based on Howard Gardner 's model. The results were exactly what I thought that they would be. My top two learning styles models are linguistic and logical. I often get told I over analyze tasks. I like to see the big picture and know the “why” to a project. I know that I like to solve problems, and enjoy challenges. I often spend free time playing Sudoku and/or

  • Social Learning Theory

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    through their career issues. Two theories for career development that would work tremendously

  • Theories Of Behaviour And Learning

    1258 Words  | 3 Pages

    This essay will consist of a discussion on behaviour theories and how behaviour has a connection to learning. Behaviourism has three main theories namely, classical conditioning, operate conditioning and observational conditioning, furthermore learning occurs after the behaviour has taken place. Behaviourism emphasizes on the role of environmental factors which results in influencing the behaviour. This essentially results to focusing on learning, as we learn and experiment, this causes an alteration

  • Theories Of Situated Learning

    1145 Words  | 3 Pages

    Learning theories such as Constructivist theory Situated Cognition theory and Cognitive apprenticeship theory have become very critical in the present trends in education. For a long period of time, the implicit learning theory underlying the curriculum and pedagogy of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Workforce Development (WFD) has been behaviourism, but the emerging theory of constructivism, situated learning and cognitive apprenticeship may have implications for TVET practice