The Power of You

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Believing that hard work pays off in the end is more than an idea to motivate an individual, it is the difference between the ability to strive for success or the breaking point for an individual who believes in “I can’t.” An individual who has the desire for success and believes he or she can achieve anything has the ability to go far. Success for college and beyond is established through the vital skills of motivation, responsibility, and strength. To master all three items is to find success.
Beginning on the road to success, one needs a solid motivation to always encourage him or her to move forward. Having a strong motivation means that an individual will not let an obstacle hinder him or her from the goal. The skill of motivation is the driving force and the purpose for all that it takes to become successful. In 2012, a famed YouTube video about motivation was posted as Eric Thomas performed a motivational speech at Michigan University for the student body. During the speech, a quote describing a story grasped the attention of many viewers across the nation when Eric Thomas s...

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