Analysis Of Act Like A Leader, Think Like A Leader

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Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader
This book focuses on the premise that in order to become a leader one must start by acting like a leader. An individual must take on the habits of a leader and then start to act like a leader and others will treat them as a leader. This statement contradicts a lot of leadership courses which teach that one must look inside oneself and find the characteristics that they possess to be a leader. Traditionally one must think about their actions, choose their actions and then act to be a leader. This book says that knowingly changing what your actions are and then act. By doing this simple act of changing your habits first and then acting like a leader over time these habits will become second nature. What Ibarra also brings up is that in a constantly changing business environment that in order to be a good manager changes to character are going to need to occur frequently over time. She goes on to say that this may be from situation to situation, you need to be chameleon.
When I read the paper from the …show more content…

I believe this is important for leaders to do because developing relationships outside of their own groups creates value not only for the leader, but for the company. There are 6 attributes to networking that Ibarra states are important for leaders. Sensing trends and seeing opportunities. Building ties to opinion leaders and talent in diverse areas. Working collaboratively across boundaries to create more value. Avoiding groupthink. Generating breakthrough ideas. And obtaining career opportunities. The keys for me here are creating the value, developing the groupthink, and generating breakthrough ideas. For me these 3 attributes have the greatest effect, but require effort to complete. From developing these relationships across the company and even outside the company you can see that this approach helps get things done. The remaining attributes have a tendency to come in

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