Personal trainer Essays

  • Personal Trainers Stereotypes

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    when they think of a personal trainer they think of tough, muscular, and very strict people. That is not always the case with personal trainers. Many people get this stereotypes about personal fitness trainers from watching movies or television shows that show a morbidly obese man or woman in their late forties trying to get their life together and leave their past life of junk food, constant eating, and a sloppy unorganized life. Entertainment like this has given personal trainers a bad image and most

  • Career of a Personal Trainer

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    1. Introduction 1.1 Definition and description A personal trainer is a trained and qualified professional who helps people achieve their desired level of fitness and their exercise goals by motivating and encouraging them to do so. Personal trainers usually work with individual clients at one time usually 1-5 times per week depending on the client’s needs, each session usually lasts about an hour. When starting with new clients personal trainers start of with a fitness assessment to measure the

  • Requirements to Be a Personal Trainer

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    When Brandon Long, a personal trainer from Long Beach, California, was asked what got him interested in personal training, he replied, “I guess it started with my love for exercising and seeing the changes that it makes on your body, mind, and confidence.” There are many reasons why people would want to become a personal trainer. They can be the person who helps someone meet his or her goals and makes them successful. They can be involved with all kinds of people in all kinds of sports. And finally

  • Hiring A Personal Trainer Essay

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    seeking to hire a personal trainer for their workouts at homes or gyms, the website seems to be very handy. According to, people who are new to the workouts may not know the usage of the right moves as well using the right tools or equipment. Doing the workouts with such wrong moves is considered to be harmful and even dangerous in causing injuries. In this context, hiring a personal trainer seems to be the right

  • Essay On Pursuing A Career As A Personal Trainer

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    is a rewarding one, in which a variety of skills is used to help other people achieve their goals. The job that does this is a personal trainer. Pursuing a career as a personal trainer is an achievable option that comes with many benefits.

  • Athletic Trainer Personal Statement

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    I was fortunate enough to take a sports medicine elective class in high school and I loved learning about injuries in sports, the important role of an athletic trainer, and the hands on experience the class offered. This class sparked my interest in sports medicine and I have since worked hard to make my goal of becoming an athletic trainer a reality by attending the University of Georgia and majoring in athletic training. After completing my first semester in the Athletic Training program, I have

  • Personal Trainer

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    Find a knowledgeable Personal Trainer in UK to achieve Fitness Goals Today, fitness is one of the prime concerns of the majority of people. It is seen that every person has now become a fitness conscious. For leading a healthy life people want to a fit and healthy body for which they make all efforts from their side. They do eat healthy food stuff and do exercise or into some kind of activity that will keep them fit. But, because of the busy schedules, people do not find enough time to focus on

  • personal trainer

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    shadow I decided to shadow Justin Plesnik, Justin works for Body by Design in Brookfield, Wisconsin and also runs his own business known as Aqua Endurance. His official title there is Personal Trainer& Boot camp Trainer and is the head personal trainer at Body by Design. What intrigues me about becoming a personal trainer would be just getting to meet new people. The challenges of helping others eat right and being in a better shape seems like a good challenge. The freedom to choose my own clients and

  • Personal Trainer

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    always been high in America. Contributions include places like fatty McDonalds and inventions of segways and likewise technology. Due to this increase in weight, personal trainers are always in need. A personal trainer is there, one on one with their client and assists them in losing weight and achieving personal goals. Becoming a personal trainer is my chosen profession and I am fit for this job because of my love of fitness, my ability to handle hard work, and the enjoyment I get from helping others

  • Personal Trainer

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    option is a personal trainer. Being a personal trainer is a good career because they help with many different sports, help in many places, and they have a lot of benefits to offer. Being a personal trainer is a good career because they help with many different sports. Helping with many different sports keeps the job from being repetitive at times, so you can help with more than one sport. For an example, on a website that talks about different kinds of careers it says “Fitness trainers and instructors

  • Personal Trainer

    555 Words  | 2 Pages

    Benefits of Hiring a Gym Fitness Personal Trainer By steve carve Aug 5, 2013 If your basic aim is to remain in good shape, then you must hire a personal gym trainer. A gym trainer can properly guide you for following the right kind of techniques to gain great physique. Sometime, even the strong willed persons leave the hope of losing weight, in such times, hiring the services of a gym trainer is a perfect idea. A gym trainer will not only motivate you for losing the weight, but will also teach the

  • Essay On Personal Training Certification

    1038 Words  | 3 Pages

    to attain a personal training certification online. The most respected alternatives all adhere to industry accreditation standards, so the curriculums are fairly similar. Each program has a few individualized unique packages with assorted options, but they all have similar prerequisites and basic requirements. You need to be at least 18, plus hold a current certification in CPR and AED (automatic external defibrillator). Here’s a list of five accredited and highly respected personal training certification

  • A Physical Trainer: A Career As A Physical Trainer

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    Physical Trainer. I have always found these people to be really inspiring and have thought about hiring one myself or even going through the schooling and training to become one myself. They do so much for people like helping others to find happiness with themselves as well as help making the human race a little healthier. A physical trainer can help so many people today by evaluating their clients “level of fitness by physical capabilities and personal health goals”(Becoming a Physical Trainer: Job

  • How to Overcome Barriers to Working Out for New Mothers

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    There are many reasons that people don’t engage in a workout program. These reasons are what we may call “challenges” or barriers to working out. For many new moms, these challenges may seem too much at times, that they just simply decide to give up and abandon any plan of including a post pregnancy weight loss regimen in their postnatal lives. This happens, not just in Singapore, but the world over. With the reasons being universal, can the solutions also be applicable to all new moms, whether

  • Successful Personal Trainer

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    Different ways to become a successful personal trainer There are many possibilities to becoming a successful personal trainer in which a trainer will have to take many steps to become one of the best. Being a leader, nutrition, exercising, making a living, appearance, providing free workout sessions, staying focused, and asking questions are some of the things to become a successful personal trainer. There are negative ways personal trainers need to avoid if they are to become successful such

  • Benefits Of A Personal Trainer

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    Personal trainer-A personal trainer generally works with customers either individually or in gatherings to enable them to achieve/reach there spefic goals and makes tailored programs for their customers as well as eating regimen advice and meal plans. Right off the bat, take note of that the majority of personal trainers are independently employed, so you'll wind up becoming your own particular supervisor. With regards to the job role itself, personal trainers are relied upon to create a one-on-one

  • My Interview on How a Fitness Club Owner Deals with Public Relations

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    communication between the public and business. My interview dealt with the world of exercise fitness. I interviewed Ricky Gross who is a personal fitness trainer. He is the Owner/Operator of RJG Fitness LLC, which is a personal training company out of metropolitan Atlanta Georgia. His company provides personal fitness sessions, one on one, or group sessions in clients’ own personal homes or fitness clubs. I conducted the interview over Skype to get further information on how his company deals with public relations

  • Personal Trainer Essay

    1187 Words  | 3 Pages

    leave with the idea that they’ve reached their goals by using the equipment, but do they really know what exercise is? or the Science involved in it? The problem here is many people don’t know how dangerous forcing the body and muscles can be. Personal Trainers have a lot to do with helping clients choose the right pathway into reaching their goals in a safely mater. Although a degree is not always needed in Canada or the United States it’s recommended. Thanks to all the Colleges and Universities in

  • Personal Trainer Training

    612 Words  | 2 Pages

    with a Personal Trainer Finding a personal trainer is easy, and all you have to do is go to a local gym where you have choices in multiple candidates. However, with busy schedules at work and home, it can be hard to dedicate the time to making a special trip to the gym to workout with a personal trainer. It can also be expensive. Whether you want to lose weight, gain more muscle, feel healthier and move better, perhaps, working out in the privacy of your home one-on-one with a personal trainer is

  • Personal Fitness Trainer

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    Being a personal fitness trainer is a very passion driven career. Your paycheck is based on your commission. There is little to no hourly wage associated with working at a gym. I have thought about becoming a personal trainer on the side in the past because your work schedule is ultimately up to whenever you can take clients. Clients are looking for someone who can be committed to them and their goals, and help instill good habits or develop already existent habits. I think a trait all personal trainers