Partners In Health Essays

  • The Importance Of Partners In Health

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    I chose to represent was Partners in Health. Partners in Health was started in 1987 in Boston ("Our History | Partners In Health”). “Partners in Health’s mission is to provide healthcare options to people in need. Partners in Health is building long-term relationships with sister organizations, to achieve two goals: to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair.” (“Our Mission | Partners In Health”). This is an important issue

  • Paul Farmer, Partners in Health and Tuberculosis

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    Paul Farmer was born in Massachusetts in 1959, went to Harvard Medical School, became a doctor, and ended up living and working in Haiti. He co-founded an organization in 1987 called Partners in Health (PIH). The philosophy behind the organization is that everyone, no matter who or where has a right to health care. Paul Farmer and PIH have already made amazing progress in Haiti, Peru, and several other countries, helping people get the care they need. PIH’s website lists a detailed history of they

  • Dr. Paul Farmer Partners In Health Summary

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    University and an attending physician and Chief of the Division of Global Health Equity at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. In 1983, while still a student, he began his lifelong commitment to improving the health of the world’s poorest people starting in Haiti’s Central Plateau. In 1987, Dr. Farmer co-founded Partners in Health (PIH) which focused on the Central Plateau of Haiti but now PIH has developed in to a worldwide health organization. Dr. Farmer is a leader and has all the skills and characteristics

  • Intimate Partner Violence Essay

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    victims of intimate partner violence, women are four times likely than their male counterparts to experience spousal abuse (Dennis & Vigod, 2013. Furthermore, intimate partner violence is the most common type of violence women experience (Dennis & Vigod, 2013. The average

  • What Is A Heavy-Handed Approach In Nursing

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    and may want to approach in a less heavy-handed manner in order to maintain the relationship with that patient. Trust and respect are key. Principle twelve says our approaches need to maintain the trust within the community. Trust is a big deal as health practitioners and the community. Without trust, we might not be able encourage that patient to get tested or to help the patient if infected. In Principle two, respecting the right of an individual could possibly mean that the patient who is positive

  • Problem Statement And Problem Analysis: Violence Against Women

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    against women is a major public health problem and violations of women’s human rights (World Health Organization, 2014). Violence can result in physical, mental, and sexual act of rape (Heise, Raikes, Watts, & Zwi, 1994). The violence against women usually occurs from a family member, friend or intimate partner and sexual. Intimate partner and sexual violence are mostly perpetrated by men against women and child sexual abuse affects both boys and girls (World Health Organization, 2014). Women and

  • Intimate Partner Violence Essay

    1019 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction to Intimate Partner Violence Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a tremendously serious social and public health problem. Progression of intimate partner violence can lead to morbidity or mortality and affect various types of relationships. An intimate partner is one that is described by frequent contact, identifying as a couple, emotional bonding, and regular physical and/or sexual contact. A few examples of intimate partners includes dating partners, spouses, girlfriends or boyfriends

  • Domestic Violence And Mental Health Essay

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    Many studies have pointed to negative and often long-term mental health consequences of domestic violence for victims. These impacts extend to depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress and other disorders, substance abuse to self medicate, and suicide. Findings linking domestic violence and mental health raise important issues for service response. Firstly, health systems and practitioners need to be attuned to negative mental health impacts of domestic violence for victims in order to assist them;

  • Nursing Project Proposal

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    family nurse practitioner (FNP) students and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner students (PMHNP) with longitudinal, immersive clinical education of CON Nurse Practitioner (NP) students, supports, engages, and evaluates preceptors as true partners in the education of our students. APPICO will: 1) develop innovative, collaborative

  • Heart Failure Case Study

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    Heart failure is a major clinical, social and economic problem in the United Kingdom according to the Department of Health [DH] (2013).The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence [NICE] (2010) reported that about 900,000 people suffer from heart failure in the United Kingdom. The National Institute for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research [NICOR] (2011) conducted a national audit which found that one in every 20 people over the age of 65 is diagnosed with heart failure which demonstrates

  • Ethics: Legal And Ethical Issues In Nursing

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    to their sex partners to protect them from the disease. Legal and Ethical Position Lena, being a health professional cannot share the HIV result of her sister’s boyfriend, wilfully to her sister as it is a legal offense per Cal. Health & Safety Code § 120980 (AIDS: HIV Reporting Act, 2006). As per revised ANA Code of Ethics, provision three, Lena also has the commitment to protect the patient’s rights to privacy even if that is her sister’s boyfriend (Olson & Stokes, 2016). Health Insurance Portability

  • Quantitative Research Article Review

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    Quantitative Research Article Review The quantitative research article that I chose to review was a study completed by Dougherty and Thompson (2009), found in Research in Nursing & Health. Very few researchers have focused their study on the impact of cardiac arrest and ICD implantation on a patient’s intimate partner. What little is known about caregiving responsibilities and caregiver burden after a cardiac illness or event has previously been focused on the spousal experiences following an acute

  • Unintended Pregnancies Among HIV Positive Women

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    SCOPE OF PROBLEM Unintended pregnancies among HIV positive women in low-income settings is a significant public health issue with implications for the health and well-being of women of childbearing age, their partners, and their children. According to the Global HIV/AIDS Response Progress Report (WHO, 2011), Swaziland is a priority country for eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Swaziland has the highest HIV prevalence in the world - nearly 26% of adults aged 15-49 in Swaziland are

  • Domestic Violence: Intimate Partner Abuse

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    Intimate Partner Violence Many studies have been conducted on intimate partner violence that focuses on the physical, emotional, sexual, psychological, and mental abuse purposely caused by a former spouse, ex-spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or ex-boyfriend, or ex-girlfriend. Each year in the United States more than 5 million women are abused by an intimate partner (Violence Against Women, 2015). First, intimate partner violence (IPV) which is also known as domestic violence is defined as: “when one

  • Macro Context Of Home Care

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    Macro Context The macro context consists of four components (Fig. 1, McCormack & McCance 2017) in which the health and social care policy is setting sets the agenda for to which the extent to which the carers are able to meet many of the needs discovered in this study. The financial framework controls the conditions for service delivery from home care services. Organizational structure will also influence the standard for the service provided in each home care district. With the introduction of

  • The Problems Of Domestic Violence

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    Domestic violence is a serious problem, which occurs in many countries. In recent years, domestic violence or family violence has been recognized as a serious problem globally. Domestic violence is control by one partner over another in a dating, marital or live-in relationship. The means of control include physical, sexual, emotional and economic abuse, threats and isolation. Survivors face many obstacles in trying to end the abuse in their lives such as psychological and economic entrapment, physical

  • Ethical Principles Of Justice, Utilitarianism, Fidelity, And Beneficence

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    ethics of HIV. Beneficence imposes a duty for health employers to act in the best interest for patients, take positive action to help and to do well. Justice portrays equality and it requires that people should be treated fairly. It explains that a healthcare employer will treat all patients equally and use good judgement. Fidelity involves with loyalty, fairness, and being truthful. This principle applies to the patient and being honest with their partners about their status. Lastly, utilitarianism

  • Sexual Health Myths

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    about sexual health and again. Society seems to assume that older people do not have sex as often as young people. This myth is not based in reality. Older couples enjoy sexual activities into their 80s and 80s. These sexual activities offer benefits like longevity and happiness. Despite the myths, there are ways to stay sexually active as we age. To start with, couples should focus on their partner. Things change as we age. Physical problems can make sex difficult. Listen to your partner. Be open

  • Comparing The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation And The United Nations Foundation

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    Gates Foundation and the United Nations Foundation are both involved in the development of global health policies and evaluation of health care and health systems. The main focus of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is advancing science and technology to deliver vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, and new affordable and reliable solutions. The United Nations Foundation focuses on a wide range of global health problems, including: decreasing childhood mortality, improving disaster relief, protecting the

  • Intimate Partner Stalking

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    intimate partner. Stalking by intimate partners has been proven to be more violent than stalking by non-intimate partners, because they have already had that close intimate connection with them. They feel like they were wrong for breaking the ties between them and they would like to have that connection with them again, so they are trying their hardest to be accepted by the past or present ... ... middle of paper ... ...ogan, T., & Cole, J. (2011). Exploring the intersection of partner stalking