What Is A Heavy-Handed Approach In Nursing

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The practitioner may have a personal or family relationship with the individual and may want to approach in a less heavy-handed manner in order to maintain the relationship with that patient. Trust and respect are key. Principle twelve says our approaches need to maintain the trust within the community. Trust is a big deal as health practitioners and the community. Without trust, we might not be able encourage that patient to get tested or to help the patient if infected. In Principle two, respecting the right of an individual could possibly mean that the patient who is positive has the right to the privacy of his or her sexual activity. One may want to appeal to the guilt of the individual to do the right thing and share the information in order to coax it from them instead of the hardline approach. Public health ethics helps guide practical decisions affecting population or community health based on scientific evidence and in accordance with accepted values and standards of right and wrong. By principle eight that addresses that we public health practitioners should employ a variety of approaches that anticipates values, culture and believes. This may have to consider not using a heavy-handed approach on out patients. …show more content…

Patients are required to sign a confidentiality form (HIPPA), which will allow us to use the data collected of the number of citizens infected without using his or her name. HIPPA also can gives patients more control over their health information, set boundaries on his or her use and release of health records and establish appropriate safeguards that the majority of health-care providers and others must achieve to protect the privacy of health

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