HIPAA: Privacy and Security Rules The Computer, the Nurse and You

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HIPAA: Privacy and Security Rules The Computer, the Nurse and You Introduction How would you like to keep track of your personal health information record in your computer at home? The electronic data exchange was one of the goals of the government to improve the delivery and competence of the U.S. healthcare system. To achieve this plan, the U.S. Congress passed a regulation that will direct its implementation. The Department of Health and Human Services is the branch of the government that was assigned to oversee the HIPAA rules. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is a national public law in the United States that was created to improve health insurability, prevent insurance abuse and to protect the privacy and security of a person’s health information. Thesis Statement: The knowledge about the HIPAA Privacy and Security rules; its coverage and benefits; its development and updates will help an individual to understand the law to effectively manage and protect his or her own personal health record. The advent of computer technology and the HIPAA terms that were associated with information system will be discussed. Some of the experiences with HIPAA will shared to give a better picture and understanding of the law. HIPAA: Privacy and Security Rules What is HIPAA? The Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was passed by the U.S. Congress to improve portability and continuity of health insurance coverage; to combat waste, fraud and abuse in health insurance; to reduce costs and the administrative burdens by improving efficiency and effectiveness of the health care system by standardizing the interchange of electronic data; and to ensure the pri... ... middle of paper ... ...). Privacy and Health Information Technology. Journal of Law Medicine, 37(2), 121-149. Retrieved January 28, 2011 from CINAHL database North Carolina DHHS. (2008). HIPAA Timeline. Retrieved January 20, 2011, from http://hipaa.dhhs.state.nc.us/hipaa2002/whatishipaa/HIPAATimeline.html Schmeida, M. (2005). HIPAA of 1996: Just an Incremental Step in Reshaping Government. Retrieved January 25, 2011, from American Nursing Association Web Site: http://www.nursingworld.org Sobel, R. (2007). The HIPAA Paradox. The Privacy Rule that’s Not. Hasting Center Report, 37(4), 40-50. U.S. DHHS (2002). Understanding HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules. Retrieved January 20, 2011, from http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/understanding/index. Wisconsin DHHS. (2010). Timeline of HIPAA Changes. Retrieved January 22, 2011, from http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/hipaa/Timeline/index.htm

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