Medical research related to low-carbohydrate diets Essays

  • paper

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    located in Columbus, Ohio. Research question 1. Is the low-carb diet a flash fad or a trend? 2. Should the Donatos respond? Research factors/ variables Product message i. weather ii. reputation iii. competition iv. People’s eating habit. Hypothesis The customers who want to eat low carb pizza at donatos can do this without having to change their pizza preference. Target Audience Donatos consumers who are conscious of their carbohydrate intake. Question 1: Research design used by Donato’s for

  • The Zone Diet

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    The Zone Diet High-protein/ low-carbohydrate diets are nothing new to Americans these days; they seem overwhelmingly to be the most popular among those people trying to lose weight. Ph.D. Dr. Barry Sears’ books on his version of the high-protein diet, the Zone Diet, are among the best selling diet books on the market. The diet seems to be yielding quick and noticeable results to those who follow Dr. Sears’ plan. Many people are desperate to lose weight and have tried numerous methods that have

  • Ketogenic Diets Essay

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    The Key Into Ketogenic Diets Come on now...we have all done it. You know the feeling. You are walking down an aisle in the supermarket craving “bad”. Instead of going for the Oreo cookies you feel are loaded with fat, you opt for the Snackwells Fat Free Devils Food Cake Cookies and feel like you are a saint for making the least harmful choice. You feel great...that is until you get home, open the package, eat one cookie, then two...then in a matter of minutes the whole box has been consumed

  • The Zone Diet

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    It seems like everywhere you look there is some new diet plan making miraculous promises of weight loss through pills, plans, and formulas. The zone diet is no exception. The zone diet was developed by Dr. Barry Sears in his book," Enter the Zone" which was on the bestseller lists for weeks. The zone promises high energy, weight loss, and no hunger to those willing to follow the simple set of zone rules. It sounds great you say, but does it really work? What is the Zone? The "zone" was first

  • The Mayo Clinic Diet: The Mayo Clinic Diet

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    The Mayo Clinic Diet is designed to change your lifestyle by replacing bad habits with new, healthy ones. There is no need to eliminate foods, just reduce the portion of certain ones. The goal of the diet is to lose excess weight, and to then maintain a healthy weight for life. Changing your daily routine and adding new habits is what it focuses on. The Mayo Clinic Diet was developed by medical professionals. It is known to be a diet you can stick with for life, not just a fad or quick fix. The

  • Ketogenic Lifestyle Essay

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    life. The ketogenic diet was first introduced in the 1920s to help control seizures. There are numerous benefits of the ketogenic lifestyle. The primary reason that various people begin living this way of life is weight loss. They continue the ketogenic lifestyle for the many medical improvements provided by this way of eating. The ketogenic lifestyle is a high-fat

  • Medical Nutrition Therapy And Physical Activity

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    extent being experienced today. These conditions have become more relevant due to lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating habits that leads to fluctuations in insulin levels. Recent research on this topic shows that all patients with diabetes could benefit from the same therapeutic treatments such as medical nutrition therapy and physical activity. For all types of diabetes, the first goal of MNT is to assist attain and maintain metabolic normality, this not only include blood glucose, but also

  • Nicole Jumper

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    Companies who market diet programs and miracle diet drugs are very much aware of this commonality among consumers and take advantage of the susceptible nature of those who want to lose the weight and lose it fast. Among the multitude of pills, programs and promises that are offered as cures to the unhappiness of being fat, one new concept has emerged that stretches the boundaries of logic: the catabolic diet. WHAT IS THE CATABOLIC DIET? The catabolic diet is based on the concept

  • Diabetes and Pregnancy

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    Review of Condition Diabetes is a disorder of the breakdown of glucose in the body. Glucose levels in the body are maintained through diet and the aid of insulin. Glucose is brought into the body through various types of foods, the most common one being carbohydrates. Once glucose is in the body, it is distributed through the bloodstream with the help of inulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. In patients with diabetes, either the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the cells the glucose

  • The Benefits Of Being A Vegetarian Diet?

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    people across the world consumes meat products in their diet, yet a small percent of people have chosen the unique lifestyle of being a vegetarian. Although everyone has to make their decision on whether to follow a meat based or vegetarian based diet, there have been continuous debates on the benefits that come from being a vegetarian versus eating meat. According to nutritionists, it was concluded that eating a more vegetarian based diet has greater positive values to the health of the body than

  • Weight Gain and Misconceptions and Tips for Weight Management

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    Study on how you can manage your weight so, you will know the effective ways to manage your weight. Knows what your body needs isand knows what is unnecessary things for your body. You can reduce risk for your body to get many dangerous diseases related to weight management.Be open-minded enough try something new in order to maintain our body health.Adapt to the latest concepts about weight management, do everything we can in order to stay lean and fit. Who knows? We might make all the differences

  • The Effect of Food on Humans

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    Dopamine is related with alertness, used for fast reflexes, ''mental energy''[2] and assists with problem solving. Serotonin helps to improve the mood and is a regulating hormone. It is important that a well balanced diet is consumed, eating an appropriate amount from each food group. Today's diet has drifted a long way off the ideal intake and balance of nutrients. Research will focus on a wide variety of diet related issues and its effect on the bodily systems. A healthy balanced diet should

  • Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes

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    Theory Assignment 500 Words Type 1 Diabetes By Milun Ball Introduction of the Medical Condition: Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong auto-immune condition in which the body can't control the amount of glucose in the blood. This is because the body’s immune system is activated to destroy the insulin producing cells in the pancreas. It is commonly diagnosed in childhood but can arise at any age and is not currently preventable. The causes of the disease are not fully understood, but scientists are

  • Forks Over Knives Essay

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    land in the long term of medical. I must admit that I never listened or heard what was truly said until now. I have been dieting for many years and have been through many types of diets the high protein, low carbohydrate, the military diet, the grapefruit diet, I can talk on and on about the many diets that I have tried, unsuccessfully, never have I

  • case study-andrews family

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    There are several useful tools and programs available to assist patients making lifestyle changes. A couple of examples of programs are the WISEWOMAN and Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC). WISEWOMAN is a “program funded by the CDC that provides low income uninsured women (40-64) with chronic disease risk factor screening, lifestyle modification interventions, and referral services to prevent CAD (Schroetter & Peck, 2008, p. 109).” TLC is “an effective lifestyle therapy recommended by the American

  • The High Protein Diet Controversy

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    The High Protein Diet Controversy The traditional dietary guidelines most of us were taught in school are now being challenged as a result of a new diet. Remember when your teacher told you that all you needed to do to eat healthy you just needed to consume a lot of pastas and breads and eat meats and fats sparingly. Times have changed. In today's fast paced world of dot coms and international space stations, everyone is looking for something new. It's in with the new and out with the old

  • Argumentative Essay On Artificial Sweeteners

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    sugar among diabetics due to the fact that they can’t tolerate normal sugar. The consumption of which may cause the rise in their insulin level. Since artificial sweeteners are of zero glucose they seem to be beneficial for diabetics and those with a medical condition. People think that foods that has labelled with “sugar-free” or “fat-free” are healthy and zero calorie. Thus, they will consume as

  • Characteristics Of The Paleolithic Diet

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    Introduction The Paleolithic (Paleo) diet also known as (Caveman Diet) is one modeled after the perceived food consumption of early human ancestors of the Paleolithic Era, consisting of mainly meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, eggs, and nuts. The Paleo diet primarily consists of the types of foods available to hunter-gatherer people during this time in history. This would include food like fish, and other lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. What this diet doesn't include is bread, grains, starches

  • The Effects Of Type 1 Diabetes

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    learn to read food labels, be able to count carbohydrates correctly and dose accurately. It is crucial for insulin dosing to be accurate in order to avoid underdosing and overdosing as it can be fatal in either instance, learning to recognize the difference between high glucose and low glucose symptoms is important as well. High glucose can present itself as increased thirst, headaches, blurred vision, trouble concentrating, fatigue and frequent urination; low glucose symptoms can be excess hunger, fatigue

  • Health Factors Impact On The Health Of Indigenous Health

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    include health care provided by general medical practitioners, nurses, and allied health professionals. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (2008), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have lower level of access to health services compared to other Australians. Distance may be one of the reasons that Indigenous Australian have difficulties to get to the facilities they want. Compared to the general population, the percentage of having medical facilities, including hospital, Aboriginal