case study-andrews family

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The Andrews family consists of an African American father and mother that are in their early 50s and two teenage children. This paper will focus on primary heart health for Mrs. Andrews. Mrs. Andrews has a significant risk for developing heart disease, MI, and stroke. Mrs. Andrews non-modifiable risk factors include being an African American female in her 50s. Her modifiable risk factors include stress, hypertension, being overweight, and not seeing a primary care practitioner for two years. She quit smoking three years ago which is a modifiable risk factor that she has changed prior to this visit, the goal is not to sustain the change long term. According to the American Cancer Society the risk of developing coronary heart disease (CAD) is significantly reduced after quitting for year ("when smokers quit," 2014).
Mrs. Andrews hypertension is mild at 146/96 which leads to the recommendation of lifestyle modification opposed to pharmacological treatment. In a study led by the American Heart Association, “lifestyle interventions received class I recommendations (Mosca et al., 2004, p. 675)” to prevent major cardiovascular issues in women. There are several useful tools and programs available to assist patients making lifestyle changes. A couple of examples of programs are the WISEWOMAN and Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC). WISEWOMAN is a “program funded by the CDC that provides low income uninsured women (40-64) with chronic disease risk factor screening, lifestyle modification interventions, and referral services to prevent CAD (Schroetter & Peck, 2008, p. 109).” TLC is “an effective lifestyle therapy recommended by the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, and the Obesity Society ("Can TLC ...

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...Practitioners, 134-139.
This article details the benefits of a primarily vegetarian diet in primary prevention of heart disease.
Thompson, P. D., Buchner, D., Pina, I. L., Balady, G. J., Williams, M. A., Marcus, B. H., ... Wenger, N. K. (2003). Exercise in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: a statement from the Council on Clinical Cardiology. Journal of the American Heart Association, 3110-3116. 10.1161/01.CIR.0000075572.40158.77
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When smokers quit-what are the benefits over time. (2014, Februrary 6). American Cancer Society. Retrieved from
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