The Andrews family consists of an African American father and mother that are in their early 50s and two teenage children. This paper will focus on primary heart health for Mrs. Andrews. Mrs. Andrews has a significant risk for developing heart disease, MI, and stroke. Mrs. Andrews non-modifiable risk factors include being an African American female in her 50s. Her modifiable risk factors include stress, hypertension, being overweight, and not seeing a primary care practitioner for two years. She quit smoking three years ago which is a modifiable risk factor that she has changed prior to this visit, the goal is not to sustain the change long term. According to the American Cancer Society the risk of developing coronary heart disease (CAD) is significantly reduced after quitting for year ("when smokers quit," 2014).
Mrs. Andrews hypertension is mild at 146/96 which leads to the recommendation of lifestyle modification opposed to pharmacological treatment. In a study led by the American Heart Association, “lifestyle interventions received class I recommendations (Mosca et al., 2004, p. 675)” to prevent major cardiovascular issues in women. There are several useful tools and programs available to assist patients making lifestyle changes. A couple of examples of programs are the WISEWOMAN and Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC). WISEWOMAN is a “program funded by the CDC that provides low income uninsured women (40-64) with chronic disease risk factor screening, lifestyle modification interventions, and referral services to prevent CAD (Schroetter & Peck, 2008, p. 109).” TLC is “an effective lifestyle therapy recommended by the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, and the Obesity Society ("Can TLC ...
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...Practitioners, 134-139.
This article details the benefits of a primarily vegetarian diet in primary prevention of heart disease.
Thompson, P. D., Buchner, D., Pina, I. L., Balady, G. J., Williams, M. A., Marcus, B. H., ... Wenger, N. K. (2003). Exercise in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: a statement from the Council on Clinical Cardiology. Journal of the American Heart Association, 3110-3116. 10.1161/01.CIR.0000075572.40158.77
This article discusses in detail, the various benefits of cardiovascular exercise for overall cardiovascular health.
When smokers quit-what are the benefits over time. (2014, Februrary 6). American Cancer Society. Retrieved from
This article provides a brief overview of the various benefits of smoking cessation.
The Anderson family is an African-American pair of grandparents –Ernie and Audrey—raising their daughter’s three children. Their daughter and her husband were killed in a car accident recently; however, the grandchildren had been living with the grandparents before this untimely tragedy due to financial hardships experienced by the family. There are three children, two of which appear to be adjusting well, and have supports in place. The main concern of Ernie and Audrey surround their 3-month old granddaughter, Artesia. Artesia was born with an extremely low birth weight, and has faced other health problems since delivery. While Artesia’s mother was pregnant with her, it was reported that they had been living in a car. Artesia’s mother did not receive proper medical care, as well as engaged in proper self-care, during the pregnancy due to her
Why do we need to exercise? With out exercise many of our bodies arteries in the cardiovascular system can become clogged and bring on much unwanted cardiovascular diseases. Exercising regularly helps us maintain a healthy weight if already fi...
"Smoking and Heart Disease and Stroke." Tips From Former Smokers. Center for Disease Control, 13 Jan. 2014. Web. 8 Apr. 2014.
As mentioned, one of the go to forms of treatment is medication. “ These could include medications to lower your blood pressure, such as diuretics, angiogenesis-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or beta blockers; blood thinning medications, such as daily aspirin therapy; or cholesterol-lowering medications, such as statins or fibrates”(Mayo Clinic). These medications have been successful in their attempts to lower these risk factors and have been helpful when underlying genetic conditions and age become a factor; however, when these problems stem from au unhealthy lifestyle it is import to understand that these risks will never fully go away until sweeping changes are made.
In this study , the magnitude of the reduction of systolic blood pressure as a result of a walking programme is similar to that which has been found in earlier studies in response to traditional exercise (see Seals et al,1997, and Hagberg et al, 2000).
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States and worldwide (Centers for Disease Control, 2013, World Health Organization, 2008). Tobacco cessation counseling is a vital component of any public health strategy seeking to decrease mortality, disease and costs associated with smoking. To that end, the Healthy People 2020 Tobacco Use Objectives cover three main areas: reducing tobacco use, instituting health system changes, and creating social and environmental changes (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). Objective TU-10 falls under the category of health system changes as it seeks to open doors for patients to make quit attempts and to pursue tobacco cessation methods by increasing tobacco cessation counseling by physicians and other health care providers.
Society has recently become increasingly obsessed with health and nutrition, as more and more individuals realize that they can dramatically change their quality of life by adjusting their diet and lifestyle. One way that people have tried to pursue a healthier lifestyle, is by removing meat and other animal products from their diets, whether they become a strict vegetarian who eats no animal byproducts, or a lacto-ovo vegetarian who still eats eggs and dairy. As with any other lifestyle, research is always being done to see if the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, and so far, the results of vegetarian diets have been encouraging. Vegetarian diets have proven to decrease the risk of heart disease, cancer, obesity, and many other health problems. With a little planning and dedication, a vegetarian diet will be healthier and more beneficial than a traditional diet
Exercise can benefit an individual in many ways. Through research I have found several articles which have been written throughout the years that address these benefits. Some of these benefits are to prevent diseases, to improve stamina, to strengthen and tone, to enhance flexibility, to control weight, and to improve quality of life. All of these benefits will be address throughout this paper. However, even though exercise does benefits an individual, it does also depends on their circumstances. For example, exercise can be done to help with a pregnancy and after a pregnancy, to control diabetes, and to help the brain function for achievement in school.
It is well known that regular exercise matched with a nutritious diet can improve overall health, but even just exercising alone and drastically improve heart health. Exercise strengthens your heart muscle and allows it to pump blood effectively throughout your body. It also decreases inflammation in your arteries, lowers blood pressure, and reduces body weight. Physical activity in general helps keep the vascular system flexible, unclogged, and elastic. This is good for your heart because it prevents the heart from having to pump blood through stiffened or clogged arteries and keeps blood flow running smoothly. Daily exercise has even been known to reverse some cases of atherosclerosis which is a condition there arteries are hardened. “Federal
Maintaining a well-balanced vegetarian diet is healthy and can be beneficial by reducing the risk of health diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Vegetarians are individuals who choose to abstain from eating foods derived from animals, such as meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. This type of a diet is practiced for a variety of reasons, whether out of respect for animals and the environment, for the potentially healthier lifestyle, or simply out of distaste for or allergy to meat products. Practicing vegetarianism is no more difficult or complicated than following a regular meat-inclusive diet; eating a variety of soy, nut, or wheat based products can substitute for certain meat dishes and dairy products and provide the needed nutrients that those normally provides. Vegetarianism is a healthy choice; following a meat-restricting diet can lower cholesterol and fat intake, thus reducing the chances of developing heart diseases and obesity.
Vegetarianism, your heart, and blood pressure. Recent studies have proven that vegetarians on average have been
The first benefit to being a vegetarian is health reasons. Recent research studies have shown that vegetarians have better health than people who eat meat. The risk of a disease is less likely when being a vegetarian. For example, vegetarians have a lower rate of gallstones, kidney stones, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and colon disease. Studies have also shown that not only does a vegetarian diet have a greater chance of preventing these diseases but becoming a vegetarian can sometimes even cure these diseases. In a study conducted by Dr. Ornish from the University of California, he found that a vegetarian diet is also good for unclogging arteries of patients with very serious heart disease. The American Medical Association announced, in 1961, that heart disease, which is the cause of over half of deaths in the United States, could be eliminated by a vegetarian diet. The AMA has also reported that a high saturated fat diet is a key component to high levels of the diagnosis of coronary heart disease. The reason for vegetarians less risk for heart disease ...
The health benefits of a vegetarian diet are hard to ignore. Vegetarians have a lower chance of developing many diseases, such as cancer and diabetes. Women who eat meat daily are more likely to develop breast cancer. According to an article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, “consumption of well-done meats and, thus, exposures to heterocyclic amines (or other compounds) formed during high-temperature cooking may play an important role in the risk of breast cancer.” Men are also more than almost more likely to develop prostate cancer than those who do not include meat in their everyday diets. “Up to 80 percent of prostate cancer is attributed to dietary practices, and international comparisons show strong positive associations with meat consumption” (Alexander, 2010). Vegetarians have also shown to have lower blood pressure, better digestion, and more energy than humans with a meat based diet. The effects of a vegetarian life style ...
Cardiovascular disease is very dangerous and it can lead to many serious problems. Such problems include atherosclerosis which can the increase of strokes or heart attacks. These strokes or heart attacks can be minor but some can possibly lead to death. There is also problems that can cause one to have cardiovascular disease such as being on an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, or high blood pressure. To decrease the risk of these problems, a solution would be incorporating cardiovascular fitness into ones life. Some cardiovascular fitness exercises, can also be known as aerobic exercises, include jogging, running, walking, and swimming. Those who have high blood pressure are recommended to incorporate some sort of aerobic exercise in ones
Having a healthy dietary method can reduce the chances of receiving many health diseases. These health diseases include obesity, heart disease, and cancer. By consuming certain foods and nutrients in one’s diet the risk factors for these health diseases can be reduced. A healthy dietary method that is beneficial to reducing and/or improving these health diseases is the vegetarian diet. The vegetarian diet follows a dietary pattern that is characterized by the consumption of plant-like foods and the avoidance of flesh foods (meat, poultry, and fish). The foods in this diet provide the body with many essential nutrients. This is why many health benefits have been associated with the vegetarian diet. This dietary method has been linked to reducing the causes of obesity, heart disease, and cancer.