Argumentative Essay On Artificial Sweeteners

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Artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes have long been the topic of much controversy and hot debates among the consumer. Before tearing open a packet of artificial sweetener or sugar substitute, make sure you understand and learn the facts about these sweeteners. The facts seem to be astonishing, but true nonetheless. Artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes were designed to help substitute for table sugar among diabetics due to the fact that they can’t tolerate normal sugar. The consumption of which may cause the rise in their insulin level. Since artificial sweeteners are of zero glucose they seem to be beneficial for diabetics and those with a medical condition. People think that foods that has labelled with “sugar-free” or “fat-free” are healthy and zero calorie. Thus, they will consume as …show more content…

If you still want to satisfy sugar cravings or a craving for sweets using artificial sweeteners, try using them in moderation, so that they wreak less havoc to your immune system. Always read the food labels carefully and make sure that Splenda, NutraSweet, Aspartame, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium (K) or Equal is not on the label to help minimize harmful effects of artificial sweeteners. Don’t purchase products which have “sugar free”, “no sugar”, “zero calorie”, “save calorie”, “low calorie”, “no sugar added” and so forth on its label as they may contain certain sugar substitutes which may havoc your immune system. Instead of drinking diet sodas, diet coke and any other diet drinks, drink purified alkaline water to effectively flush toxins out of the body. If necessary, adopt an appropriate routine in colon/liver cleansing to help eliminate toxin substances that have accumulated in your body. Ask FDA and your local government to investigate those artificial sweeteners that cause adverse side

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