Electronic sports Essays

  • The Pros And Cons Of Electronic Sports

    729 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sports; friendly competitions that date even before the Olympics. Traditionally, these sports are activities like boxing, discus, wrestling, soccer and basketball. However, there might be a few new activities joining that list; League of Legends, Dota 2, StarCraft II, and Call of Duty. A few popular videogames that currently have described as Electronic sports these names. Electronic sports, or more commonly known as eSports, is a term used to describe to describe organized electronic game competitions

  • Electronic Sports

    979 Words  | 2 Pages

    What is eSports? Electronic sports are the competitive side of Video Gaming. People use video games to compete against other players around the world. The most common way to accomplish this is over the internet. It’s become as big as it has from the community and organizations which associates themselves with it. The games that are associated with eSports fall into many different genres; FPS (First Person Shooter), MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Role Play Game) RTS(Real- Time Strategy), Fighters

  • The Rise Of The Professional Competitive Video Gaming

    1520 Words  | 4 Pages

    Imagine that more than twenty years ago people didn’t even know about professional competitive gaming. They would never think that in the future eSport (electronic sport), would be growing up extremely fast. “Last year, tournaments awarded more than $15 million around the world, up from just over a $1 million a decade ago” (Holden 87) according to the statistics from the esportsearnings.com. Just think about it, the first place team can be guaranteed to get at least $1 million dollars, and this is

  • A Brief History of Sports

    891 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sports have been a major part of human history since ancient times. From the Greeks to the Mayans, humanity has been playing games competitively for prizes and glory. While most sports are traditionally outdoor activities, there has emerged the beginning of a new style of sport involving one of the fastest growing and most popular forms of entertainment today, video games. Dubbed e-sports, the competitive playing of video games is an industry that is starting to shine in the modern world. It is debated

  • E-Sports On The Rise

    817 Words  | 2 Pages

    is e-sports, to be simple it's an electronic game that's played on a competitive level with prize pools. Most recently the government has recognized one of the most popular games known as League of Legends as an actual "sport". By allowing this to be noted as a sport players are allowed to get visas to come and play in North America or Europe or even Korea if they so chose, some regions are harder to get visas but they are obtainable (US Government). The question still stands what is e-sports? For

  • Korean Culture: The Role Of Work In South Korea

    2012 Words  | 5 Pages

    player Kim “ReignOver” Ui-jin, who had moved to Europe to play League of Legends said, “western organizations have a way better environment for the job ‘progamer’… Most parts of being a progamer are simply better outside of Korea. Korea is a strong E-sports country, but poor in terms of support” (Gorzel). Kim makes it clear that the work environment in Korea is lacking compared to the work environment abroad. Although Korea has many people who are good at playing video games, the management in Korea

  • Twitch: The Most Leading Online Video Game Broadcasters

    985 Words  | 2 Pages

    Twitch has become one of the top leading Online Video Game Broadcasters. It has a very wide variety of games that can be watched from the website in Asia and North America (Mudhar). American has had many different sports that are labeled as it's past time sports. Video gaming is slowly creeping up on being one of the past times due to the increase of the people wanting to get into gaming. In the United States and Asia, there are many competitive players that are being broadcasted onto this video

  • Video Games As A Sport Essay

    920 Words  | 2 Pages

    Video Games as a Sport Video games are a sport; they have the potential to rival if not dominate traditional sports in viewership alone on a professional level, and they challenge their players to the same extent as conventional sports. E-sports exist and are defined as such; the competitive play of video games as a commercial spectator sport. Yet despite this fact, many still foolishly believe it to be a farce, a sham, or even a mockery of so called actual sports like baseball, football, and soccer

  • Should Video Gaming Be Classified As A Sport?

    851 Words  | 2 Pages

    like to give a speech on “Should video gaming be classified as sport?”. My opinion on this is absolutely no. Sports should be good for health, requires athletic skills, and help you to socialize. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a sportsman. I played football, softball and cricket. I’m also a gamer. I played a large variety of video games . Before I go through my reasons why my opinion is no, I would like to share the definition of sport

  • Explain Why Esports Should Be Considered A Sport

    662 Words  | 2 Pages

    find that this quote says a lot about sports in general. So why should Esports be left out, and not be considered a sport. I personally think they should be considered a sport. Here is why I think Esports should be considered a sport; What is defines a sport, how much viewership a sport gets and a sport has to be compelling. So what defines a sport. Firstly, some people say that a sport should be physically taxing. I believe that they do not have to be. Some sports are not physically demanding like

  • Should Video Games Be Considered A Sport

    784 Words  | 2 Pages

    Should playing video games be considered a sport? Many people think it should not since it requires little to no physical movement, this is usually the opinion of those who don’t play. I believe playing video games should be considered a sport as there are even professionals in the field. The world of e-sports is a very niche subject as allot of people don’t even know it exists. Many conventions are dedicated to it and there are even championships held in different parts of the world for

  • Esports Controversy

    832 Words  | 2 Pages

    legitimacy of eSports as sports began in July of 2014 when ESPN aired the finals to one of the largest online competitive games Dota 2. ESPN received backlash from the sports community via twitter because sports fans were upset video games were on television. In September that same year John Skipper, the president of ESPN, was asked his opinions about twitch, the largest online live streaming website, being acquired by Amazon and the rise of eSports he responded with, “It’s not a sport – it’s a competition

  • League Of Legends Research Paper

    840 Words  | 2 Pages

    SALT LAKE CITY — “It was five years ago the first time they showed up in my office and said they were interested in having scholarships for playing Esports,” said AJ Dimick, director of Esports Operations at the University of Utah. “The infrastructure did not exist then. The core group of students at Crimson Gaming created one of the first grassroots gaming community and held events so big they could not be ignored. They bothered all the right people. We could be the first school from a Power Five

  • Should Video Games Be A Sport Persuasive Essay

    944 Words  | 2 Pages

    Skipper is distinctly lukewarm. “[esports] is not a sport,” he said, “it’s a competition. Mostly I’m interested in doing real sports”(BBC IWonder). In recent years, an argument has been made concerning video gaming and whether playing competitively should be considered a sport. Competitive video gaming should be considered a sport because it has the qualifications to be a sport. What is a sport? According to dictionary.com the definition of a sport is “an activity involving physical exertion and skill

  • Gaming Should Be Considered A Sport

    637 Words  | 2 Pages

    Of all the sports in the world: soccer, baseball, basketball, tennis, etc. Is gaming considered one? For multiple years now, people in the gaming industry have promoted the idea of eSports. It is pretty clear, to this day, gaming is definitely considered a sport… at least by some people. It is the 21’st century and a new era is rising… The gaming era! Why is gaming even considered a sport now? Just looking up a definition tells us: A sport is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in

  • How Does Esports Get Paid?

    1154 Words  | 3 Pages

    Although new when compared to traditional athletic sports, eSports have erupted into a worldwide phenomenon. Perhaps the first organized video game tournament, the First National Space Invaders Competition took place in 1980, hosted by Atari. It was “the first of its kind to attract more than 10,000 participants, helping the competitive gaming movement gain a foothold in the mainstream.” (Langshaw 2012) On the other hand, the first Olympic games took place in 776 BC. (Christesen 2012) Although they

  • Is Esports Considered A Sport

    2416 Words  | 5 Pages

    What comes to mind when people think of sports? Baseball, basketball, and football, easily make the list. But what about eSports? Is eSports considered a sport? The world today is much different from what it was twenty years ago, and it will continue to change and evolve drastically in the years to come. Change is accepted by society and is often celebrated. Take technology for example; the smartphone was invented and now most everyone has one and enjoys the convenience that it brings. Computers

  • Electronic Arts and the Global Video Game Industry

    2078 Words  | 5 Pages

    Electronic Arts and the Global Video Game Industry Demographic trends Gaming has become an important part of growing up for people who were born in the last 25 years. Approximately 3.9 - 4.7% of total world population (250 to 300 million people) is ¡§very active¡¨ or a ¡§frequent¡¨ player of video games or at least owns the necessary equipment. This target group spends five or more hours a week playing video games. The United States is the largest video game market in the world with about

  • Persuasive Essay Sports

    707 Words  | 2 Pages

    Competitive Sports are a Good Idea for Children Since I was six, I wanted to be a professional in a sport when I grew up. There are others like me that have wanted the same as well and the only way to start towards that goal is to start with competitive sports. That’s just one aspect that competitive sports can help at. Of course, not every kid wants to do professional sports when they grow up, but they will still learn valuable things from doing competitive sports. But that alone won’t justify

  • Analytical Essay

    1668 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Use of Video, Analytics and Electronic Devices It is possible that the aspect of video, analytics and electronics in sports has developed the most due to the application of technology. One major technological advancement in sports is the addition of instant replay. Venugopal (2015:53) states “Systems such as Hawk-Eye --commonly used in cricket for split-second decisions, TV umpires, multi-cam broadcasts and instant analysis of team performances by breaking them into numbers and percentages