leadership skills

1997 Words4 Pages


The contemporary leadership we researched was Situational, Distributed, and Collaborative. We researched all these because we thought that this type of prInciples would make the game more interesting for the players and leaders. I felt that with these principles we would have a chance to show how to effectively apply it, the research we did supposedly told how each principle worked and how to effectively apply it. Some other examples of the research were that what games apply to these principles the most which were for situational was capture the flag, this game was that you had to get the ball and bring it to your side, but when the opponent gets the ball from your goal. The team would have to go from attacking to defensive instantly which show that when a situation changes how a person reacts to the change, for distributed was the four squared game In which the team with the ball had to get the other team out, in this game there was a use of two principles in one collaborative and distributed as an example some people would have to mark the opponent and work together to get the person out. We used Situational, Distributed, Collaborative, we delivered collaboratively and the distributed perfectly because we worked with each other and the rest of the class to work out an outcome since our game wasn't that good and people kept asking if they could change the rules which made us think if we needed more time to execute our game , since we only had 50 mins to play . I felt that we all had a say in how to apply the principles of the group Kent said by playing the game While I went into some depth to try and think how it would affect the game and we as leaders, which came to the conclusion to play more games that would high...

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... could only be used when certain situation arised such as when a person to evolve or attain bablance with other peoples needs and mantaining your own needs of the game to achieve what your goal is that was when a person had to get used to changing the rules to benefit the people playign teh game. i thought this principle was really bad to use because of it’s uses.

What is your personal opinion? What happened when using specific leadership principles?
Compare your overall experience as a PAL with research.

Challenge (questions that challenge the leadership principles)
In my opinion we had the challenge of time, completing our choices of games and how we would work with each other. how we would work with each other would be a big issue because we know each other very well, but we have never really worked together and this game would show our flaws.


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