Leadership Strengths And Weaknesses

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Leadership Assessments: Key Strengths
When comparing my Big Five Personality scores to the class average, I received a score of 6 and the average was 5.7, one score did not come to a surprise. My personality is reliant on my strength of conscientiousness. Individuals who score high in conscientiousness tend to be methodical, well-organized, achievement orientated, and ethically guided. The conscientious personality type has a strong correlation to leader emergence which I can attest is true. I often am the first individual in the group to take reigns because of my organization, self-discipline, and need to create a plan before acting. Two strengths appeared when reviewing the emotional intelligence (EQ) assessment. The first, is my high self-awareness. This is a great asset of mine because I am able to recognize when I need to separate myself from the group in order to rejuvenate myself. Spending a significant about of time around one group of …show more content…

After all, many if not all of the leaders emphasized in textbooks appear to have an outgoing personality that generates of movement for change. I never would have classified myself as an extrovert. Upon taking the assessment it is clear that I am an introvert, and therefore may be qualified as a weakness. The class average score related to extraversion was 5.5, mine is considerably lower at 3.
The other leadership weakness, which could be related to my introversion is my below class average scores in the emotional intelligence quadrants of social-awareness and relationship management. Thankfully, emotional intelligence is a skill set that can be learned and enhanced overtime. Once, I have greater embraced my introversion and innovatively learn how to use it as a strength, I believe that my emotional intelligence scores in the relationship segment will

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