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Personality traits in leadership influences
Leadership characteristics essay
Strengths and weaknesses of the trait of leadership
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PLP 3- Leadership Traits and Skills Reflecting on my skills inventory questionnaire, I have determined my technique skill is my strongest area of expertise. I believe these results are accurate because I have always taken pride in my self-sufficiency. I take great measures to have the tools and knowledge to successful complete my tasks. When working in my professional and academic life I am very task oriented. For example, when I was a manager at a Tim Horton’s, I always made sure my followers were working towards the objective of providing fast, quality service. I did not care much for my human interactions or conceptual knowledge of the job. I find my leadership style is quite rigid. I believe the duty of a leader is to accomplish a mutual …show more content…
I fell within the normal range. This is a skill I would want to improve. I believe that conceptual skills would allow a leader to make larger improvements rather than handling day-to-day occupations required with technical skills. This is especially true if I intend move up for my career in human resources. My current strength in my technical skills has helped with my lower level occupations. Throughout my career I should improve my conceptual skill to see the “big picture” to attain with my followers. Finally, human skill was my lowest result. In the future I should take measures to improve my communication and ability. With a competent range between technical, human and conceptual skill, I should be able to become a middle manager to advance within my career in human resources. My selections from my Leadership Trait Questionnaire suggests that I may be overconfident in my abilities. I believe I am very competent for technical related skills. I appear to desire control through organization as well. The competencies which I rated myself highly on were those of quality worker. I consider this accurate to my previous results. I should however to measures to improve the competencies related to human
According to Grossman and Valiga’s Leadership Characteristics and Skills Assessment, the interpretation of scores for perception of what makes a good leader gave me the following results: good perception of a good leader and the scores for perception of your own ability to lead resulted in low perceived leadership ability for myself (Grossman and Valiga, 2013). With these results, I have concluded that I have low confidence in my leadership skills and ability. This would be an area of improvement needing work on my part. Part of being a good leader is being confident in one’s abilities and skills. Who would want to follow a leader who has n...
As I predicted, I score high range in the Directive and Achievement styles and in the average range for Supportive and Participative styles. The scores one received on the path–goal questionnaire provide information about which style of leadership (Northouse, 2015) applicant use most often and which is use less often. My results suggest that I would be effective in work environments where the task is unclear and/or my subordinates have a need for
I develop multiple skills and abilities from various experiences, especially leadership and communication skills. When I took the accounting information system class, I was the leader of the group project, which was to lead and assign group
Being a leader you need to be in tune with your talents, strength’s, and weaknesses. Personally I feel I have many skills and talents. I am a great friend, I’m trustworthy and dependable. I can step up to the plate if needed and I can take control of certain situations without being told to. I love writing and being able to express my feelings or thoughts through writing and poetry. Along with my talents and skills I also have weaknesses. Knowing your weaknesses is twice as important as knowing your strengths in my opinion. One weakness of mine is being motivated. Once I start a task I will finish it and put 150% effort into it, but actually starting the task is my problem. Another weakness of mine is change. I have a problem with drastic change; I have a comfort with familiarity. With every leader there is going to be strengths and weaknesses and I think it’s very
Every leader must be able to accept the fact that they are not perfect and each person has things that they exceed at and things that come with a bit of difficulty. I do not see myself as being outstanding in a certain area but I do think that one of my talents is adjusting to change. When I came off to college I did miss my family a lot, but I kept myself busy by being more outgoing and finding new/different things to do. One of the reasons why I am probably so good at adapting to change is because I want change; I love switching things around and doing stuff another way.
Upon receiving this project, I immediately began to worry about a survey that would seek to determine how strong of a leader I would be. I cowered at the fact of coming up with either false information or information I felt was less than perfect. I think that this fear alone, confirms my primary style. My primary style is that of Self-Actualization. Self-Actualized individuals seek to always become all that we can with the talents and knowledge we have. We tend to be creative and like to live in the moment. We bring almost a refreshing perspective to most situations and have a continuous intrinsic drive for self-development. I see this style manifested in myself on a daily basis by my strong desire to always meet new challenges. My motivation for success and coming up with new ideas is completely internal, and when the outlook seems grim to others, I am always the one that sees a positive outcome ahead, through the use of a plan. Although, I am currently a stay at home mom, I would imagine that as a manager that worked outside the home, I would share the same values as I do at home. I am a planner and a “lister”, because I feel that in order to tackle a task, the plan of attack must be clearly laid out and readily available to refer to. My backup thinking style is the Achievement style. I think this is very obvious because I seek to find jobs or take on challenges that will allow me to feel a sense of achievement. I have been known to quit jobs that paid a decent amount, but weren’t allowing me to achieve anything. On several jobs before, I’ve ended each day with a feeling of unimportance or frustration because I felt like the majority of my day had been spent working a job that wasn’t fulfilling or impacting the world. I think the fact that I decided to leave the corporate working world to be a stay at home mom, attests to the fact that I want to feel a sense of achievement in the personal raising of my child. I want to set up a standard for my child to ultimately be able to be a self-actualized person as he grows older.
For me to be an effective leader, I must first evaluate my strengths. I took the Gallup 2.0 Strength Finder report which showed my strengths in an insight and action planning guide. The results indicated the top five themes for me were input, learner, responsibility, maximizer and arranger. I believe the evaluation offered an accurate assessment of my strengths. The input theme states my mind is like a sponge, soaking up information. As a lifelong learner, the second theme is also, correct. I have a quest for knowledge about things that interest me. I am responsible, in my job and life. As a maximizer, I focus on long term goals and strive toward excellence. As a nurse, working in an environment of change, the arranger strength in my personality allows me to adapt easily and figure out the best way to accomplish tasks (Strengths, 2012).
Northouse (2016) offers a Skills Inventory Questionnaire to assess which skills and traits leaders exhibit strengths and weaknesses in. This questionnaire determined I have the most strength in technical skills with a score of 28. This did not come as a surprise to me as I have implemented many technological advances since beginning at my agency 6 years ago and am consistently called upon to solve technological crises. Northouse mentions that leaders with high technological skills are seen as more credible and can offer innovative solutions to problems which I have experienced in my career (2016). In human skills, I scored a 26 which indicates that I am a “people person” (Northouse, 2016). I have always tried to maintain great relationships with my coworkers and colleagues. Although I agree that human skills are
After taking the self-assessment- Leadership/Personal skills Inventory test, I end up understanding one's own personality is one of the key factors to successful leadership. It is obvious that we need to use our leadership skills to perform the work or job when dealing with other people. Certainly, positioning as a great leader is rewarding when we can find out how to improve our leadership/personal skills to increase performance in a workplace. Thus, we tend to agree that the capability of people to perform the work or job that they do falls into three areas, which are technical skills, intellectual capability, and emotional capability.
As I have noted, I truly believe that the numerous job skills that are needed to be successful include dedication, communication, and adaptation. First of all, you must be devoted to your career if you want exemplary results. Equally important, being able to articulate your ideas, and intellectually communicate said ideas will ensure a successful time at you occupation. Last but not least, in order to be successful in your employment, you must be flexible to the obstacles that are inevitable. I urge you to strive to obtain these essential job skills because they are worthwhile.
As a peer leader, I find myself taking on a multitude of roles, such as a friend, leader, mentor, and support system just as Dr. Frey stated in her interview. It can be a challenging task to take on that I found to be the most personally rewarding. Sometimes it can be demanding, and on occasion a bit tiring, but it never stops being a fun adventure. I share similar experiences with Stephen Tourjee from his essay on the role as a PLTL leader. For me, knowing that I help facilitate in students’ learning in a subject is a rewarding experience. I enjoy observing them grow in confidence within the subject and mastering problems they once struggled with. On several occasions, I wished to jump in and work through the problem with them but
Leaders can have a powerful impact on the futures of many, and the way in which one approaches leadership is paramount to the type of impact one will have. Continual growth in the areas of knowledge I have and seek to acquire, as well as recognizing my leadership style and utilizing my personal strengths to the fullest, is vital to the successful implementation of my personal philosophy of leadership.
After understanding the theory behind both the trait and skill approach, I was eager to evaluate and reflect on my own leadership traits. It was interesting to see how the trait approach allowed me to better understand whether or not I have certain traits considered to be important for leadership, while skills approach allowed me to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses in the technical, human and conceptual skills. From completing the Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ) and the Skills Inventory, I was able to reflect more on how I behave towards others in a leadership context, as well as the skills that I currently possess. As a naturally extroverted person, I have been taking on leadership roles from a young age. The findings from these two
These are the skills I already have such as: communication; personal skills; motivational; creative and time management skills. These I have previously acquired will help me to be successful in my career. To know how far on the scale of these specific skills I will have to do a self-assessment. A self-assessment is a very important tool used by managers in all industry. Sometimes you can’t possibly remember what you have done and how to improve yourself and by assessing my own skills this will allow me to remember all of my personal achievements and personal disappointments. This is a form of feedback which requires the assessor to be completely honest to themselves and in order f...
I do not see myself as a strong leader. However, I know that I have some leadership skills. It will be important for me to continue to think about how I can continue to develop my technical, human, and conceptual skills, so that I can be the best leader I can be. However, Northouse (2015) continued to explain a few other skills that are important for leaders to possess. Some of those skills are motivation, social judgement, problem-solving skills. These are also importatnt skills that a leader must demonstrate. I need to work on all of these skills to be a better leader and will work to remind myself of all the different types of leadership skills, so that I can continue to improve as a leader.