Why High School Should Start Later

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“These experts have long said that expecting teens to show up to class before 8 a.m. is not good for their health or their report cards” (Associated Press). Schools are starting to start school later for many reasons but the important ones are it’s not good for teen health and grades it affects their grades a lot. Students from various schools are saying that students are falling asleep in class and are missing out on important information they need to do there homework.

"I know many students that come in and are just struggling to stay awake," she said. "Many of my friends are falling asleep in class"(Associated Press). Seattle is moving start times for school so teens can get more sleep.Based on the article titled, “More zzz’s can lead to more A’s: Seattle Schools Move Start Time for Teens”, one believes that Beaumont High School should change the start time to begin class later due to sleep deprivation, which supplies more energy throughout the day for students. Also other schools are starting other times too but this will also affect teens that have sports or after school activities. “The movement still has a long way to go: There are more than 24,000 U.S. high schools”(Associated Press). …show more content…

Students grades improved dramatically after the schools change their start times because teens stay up later then they really should. Teens really should go to sleep at nine but with sports and other activities they go to sleep at midnight and wake up at six in the morning."I'm going to bed at midnight and waking up at 6," Benmar said her current schedule, which includes jazz choir after school (Associated

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