Student Sleep Habits and Their Grades

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Sleep has always been a popular subject among humans. There have been many studies that examine sleep and its correlation with a wide variety of variables, such as depression, energy levels, and grades. Students, as a group, are widely studied. As the world’s future leaders and thinkers, there is great importance placed on their achievements. In this study the effect of student sleep habits on perceived academic performance is investigated. Many things may affect students’ academic success among these variables are sleep habits.
This study will look at sleep habits and grades to see if a significant correlation exists between the two. Sleep is an interesting subject and if a correlation between it and grades may be drawn, whether negative or positive, it will help to further educate and encourage more productive habits among the young and bright individuals that society relies upon. The public should care about the study because the impact is of a nature that could affect the community.
Studies have previously been conducted about sleep and students. These studies cover a variety of variables including sleep length, inductive reasoning, preference in time of day, grade-point average, sleep quality, etc. (Escribano & Díaz-Morales, 2013);(Gilbert & Weaver, 2010). In one study researchers used Likert scales on a one to five platform to gather information (Gilbert & Weaver, 2010), and another on a one to four scale (Gaultney, 2004). Another study had a survey that asked for objective information such as exact grade-point average (Kelly, Kelly & Clanton, 2010). Yet another study used sleep logs and divided the students into a series of three classes based on their sleep habits (Tsai & Li, 2004). This stu...

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...nces, Volume 55, Issue 2, July 2013, Pages 106-111, ISSN
0191-8869 (
Kelly, W. E., Kelly, K. E., & Clanton, R. C. (2001). The relationship between sleep length and grade-point average among college students. College Student Journal, 35(1), 84-86.
Ling-Ling Tsai, Sheng-Ping Li, (2004) Sleep patterns in college students: Gender and grade differences, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Volume 56, Issue 2, February 2004, Pages 231-
237, ISSN 0022-3999,
Unknown. (unknown). Table of critical values for pearson's r.. Retrieved on 11/17/2013 from

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