Why Be Optimistic To A Team

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I believe that I am adaptive to new environments and I can make new friends fairly easily. This quality, as I believe really helps to have in a staff member, so they can be comfortable with their duty, and the people around them who look up to them as a role model. Being optimistic would really help me be in a good mood most of the time and even if I am having a bad day. I won’t let anyone in game notice. I am broad-minded, analytical, alert, and adaptable that could help make Mineplex a better place and a safe environment for other players and staff members. Other qualities I can bring to Mineplex are that I am, cooperative and organized. I believe these qualities could help make Mineplex enjoyable for all players. I have the ability to learn quickly, the ability to understand and carry out written instructions and request clarification when needed. I have strong interpersonal skills, the ability to work as part of a team and the ability to build relationships. I also have …show more content…

No matter the case, I always try to be optimistic about the situation and try to help others be optimistic as well! I believe that people who have a positive attitude and are optimistic even the the worst situations are able to maintain a broader perspective and see a bigger picture which helps them identify solutions; whereas people with a negative attitude maintain a narrower perspective and tend to focus on problems rather than solving it. Professionalism - This goal actually connects to my previous one, that is to have a positive attitude even when you or someone else is having a bad day. Being “professional” and being able to follow a set of instructions is what makes a huge difference between being amateur and professional, and I feel this is one of the main reasons that separates them. Is there anything else which you would like to

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