Stages Of Change Model Of Health Behaviours

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Health Belief Model and an unhealthy lifestyle The Health Belief Model is a framework that is used for understanding service user’s health behaviours. The Health Belief Model is based on believing that a service user will seek health care related action if they believe that they are at risk of developing a certain condition and also if they believe that they can successfully and confidently take action to avoid getting the condition. A conceptual framework that describes a person's health behavior as an expression of health beliefs. The model was designed to predict a person's health behavior, including the use of health services, and to justify intervention to alter maladaptive health behavior. (accessed 1/11/2016). …show more content…

The stages of change can be applied to a range of other behaviours that people want to change, but have difficulty doing so, but it is most well-recognized for its success in treating people with addictions. (accessed 1/11/2016). The Stages of change model consists of five concepts these are known as, pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. The Stages of change model can be applied to smoking successfully. In the beginning, the pre-contemplation stage a service user may be unsure about giving up smoking, this could be because of several reasons, they receive enjoyment or relaxation from smoking or they do not believe that any of the well known health risks will happen to them, this could be because of their age as a lot of young people do not believe they will develop health conditions as they see it as something just older people get. When a service user begins to think briefly about quitting smoking this is known as the contemplation stage, they will not usually take any steps towards actually giving up smoking at this stage however. A common procedure that service users go through is setting themselves a certain date that they are going to quit smoking on, this is part of the presentation stage, a service user may begin to tell themselves why they want to quit, the benefits on their health, they will feel much better in themselves, smell better etc. When a person has physically quit smoking this is the action stage, this will most likely be the toughest stage for the service user as their body will be going through nicotine withdrawal. Not all service users will successfully quit the first time they try. Maintenance is a very important stage in giving up smoking as a service user is not going to have health benefits if they only give up smoking for one month before they start again, it is very

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