Self Confidence And Self Esteem

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How to Build Your Self-esteem and Self Confidence Interesting topic, isn’t it? Well, we all know the Big Motivational terms in the books “Power of the Mind and Soul”. Here comes the two powerful words we abide day in and out. I’m sure everyone is learnt about this concept at least in moral science classes during our academy. Just rewinding what we acquired! “Self Confidence and Self Esteem”, yes this is the subject to discuss. All of us are definitely aware of this terminology but if you have forgotten to interpret, let me brief you about it. The magical words more or less mean the same but a very fine line separates them. Trusting one’s own ability and strong belief in the instincts of your the mind produces self-assurance that you are …show more content…

I think the robotic generation of this century has transformed the meanings of the words like kindness, care and help. We take part in many social causes just to showcase a false image, that you really care about the society. Are we genuinely caring or helping the needy? This is a very important factor to stay confident and respect yourself. How have you been associated with your peers and your surroundings? Do we give our 100% to help the person who is suffering in pain? Do we have the ability to challenge your boundaries and go that extra mile in solving their issues as our own? If yes, you have answered the question of this whole …show more content…

Drive against your passion, that is how confident people succeed. Immense pleasure of achieving your goal is truly stated when you feel that moment; the world will stand still for you. Ability to listen and speak to your inner voice with a million-dollar achievement smile is never going to fade away till you lose your last tooth. Dream big and working towards it brings a priceless satisfaction. Improvise your intelligence and skills every day for a smarter You. · “Construct a Pragmatic world”, now this is a hardhead but not impossible. What I meant is to have a sensible cultured human being. Respect and admire each other, showing love causes no harm, celebrate success of your fellow partners, compliment each other for the wonderful work done. It not only makes the other person happy but creates a memory and bond between both of you producing a trust factor. Listen and appreciate every little deed done by your family, pet, peers and society. I bet gradually, you will start feeling so virtuous inside you with lots of chockfull moments of

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