Growth Mindset Essay Examples

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How would it feel to be able to achieve anything that you ever dreamed of? This is possible with the right mindset and an extremely hard working attitude. The keys to this is holding a growth mindset, which aids you in embracing challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, see effort as the path to mastery, learn from criticism, and find lessons and inspiration. Another crucial element for success is grit and what that short word basically determines is your strength of character. Having a growth mindset and using grit can help you achieve whatever goals that’s being attempted.
By building grit, people will be able to achieve their long time academic goals for either their school year or school career. Everyone have heard students use the excuses that teachers don’t teach the subject or some lame excuse such as that. Angela Lee Duckworth, who has studied the power of grit for eleven years and also once was a seventh grade teacher, said that every student could learn if they work hard enough. In making this comment, Angela Lee urges students to actually pay attention in their classes, do their homework til we actually understand the material, and just plain and simple work harder in the classroom. Once you don’t quit …show more content…

To continue on there are always two options, just give up or keep on pushing until the goal has been reached. The people that decide to just quit most likely have a fixed mindset, while the people that don’t give up have a growth mindset. Eduardo Briceno discusses that when obtaining a growth mindset, setbacks don’t take a toll on the person, they will continue to press on until the goal has been reached. Briceno’s point is that when you realize that anything is possible, then you bring yourself to new levels. Overall having a growth mindset allows people to complete any realistic goal that they

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