Grit Is The Key To Success In Life, By Jackie Robinson

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“Over time, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness.”-John Ortberg this is a great quote that shows how grit is necessary in being successful in life. Grit is key to getting want you want and achieving dreams.
First off, Jackie Robinson, is the african american man that broke the color barrier in baseball. Jackie Robinson is a great example of someone who used grit and was successful.
He would never give up, he said “whatever obstacles i found made me fight all the harder” this is grit because he wanted to run into challenges just so he could beat them. He said “ my fight was against the barriers that kept negroes out of baseball.” This shows that everyone has their own fight. Jackie Robinson was born to break the barrier in baseball because he was an amazing baseball player but he was black so it was his destiny to break the barrier. Jackie Robinson is saying that everyone has a fight and need to believe in what they believe in and fight the fight. I feel like I can relate to Jackie Robinson because I'm a baseball player and I have grit by going to practice at 6 AM and being dedicated to a sport. Secondly, I read Always go to the funeral by Deirdre Sullivan it is an great example of grit because it's about how the author didn't …show more content…

In his writing called Unleashing the power of creativity. He talks about how he has always been an innovator and has always thought about building a better future. He said “ when my friend Paul Allen and I started Microsoft 30 years ago, we had vision of a computer on every desk and in every home which probably sounded a little too optimistic at the time when most computers were the size of refrigerators.” Bill Gates always had big dreams every since 7th grade when what he wanted was so far out of the norm. This shows grit because he never gave up 30 years when he had this big idea and now look today computers are everywhere because of

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