My Characteristics Essay

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My Best Three Characteristics There is nothing better than having good characteristics. Everyone has different kinds of characteristics. Understanding our characteristics is extremely useful. It helps us to avoid the bad ones and to develop the good ones. We can take active steps to become the person we want to be, and we can make positive changes in our characteristics. Most of characteristics can be learned with practice. Because nobody likes to be around a person who has bad characteristics, it can affect our daily life and friendships. Likewise, lack of good characteristics such as self-confidence can hinder us from achieving our goals. To become effective in our life, we need to develop some good personal characteristics. I know some …show more content…

Self-confidence is very important in every area of our life. Self-confidence is a belief in your ability, skill and experience. If we lose self confidence in ourselves, we will not be able to go further in life. Sometimes I have faced some challenges about who I am and the things I do. I believe I was created for a great purpose by God, and I also believe I am an important person. I do not let anybody to treat me as if I am nothing or the way they like. When we do not know who we are, we will be misled by other beliefs or opinions. I believe in myself. I know there is the ability and power in me to become what I want to be. I do not need anybody’s comments or opinions to know who I am. I always remind myself who I am in Christ and the purpose I have made. I always stay away from individuals who put me down and shred my confidence. Similarly, I believe in doing what I believe to be right, even if others mock or criticize me for it. I do not expect people to like the things I do. When you have a confidence, you do not fear being responsible for the decisions you make. Confidence helps to know what to do when mistakes happen and in decision making. Most of the time people do not appreciate the things you do until they see the

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