Confidence And A Growth Mindset

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Confidence is a key trait to have in life, however, while having too little will lead a person to be reserved, having too much leads to a person becoming egotistical or obnoxious. The amount of confidence a person has generally stems from past experiences, if someone did amazing on a math test in the past, they will go into the next with the confidence that they will do well. Furthermore, the level of confidence one has is also heavily affected by their mindset. Two main theories explain the effects of mindset on confidence. The first is the entity theory of intelligence (referred to as a fixed mindset), which is when one believes that their talent or skills are fixed and cannot be improved. In contrast, the incremental theory (referred to as a growth …show more content…

Like most things in life, confidence is learned through experiences and also the mindset that is created from one’s past experiences. Working through hardship is integral to learning and increasing one’s confidence, as the experience with something difficult reveals that they should not look at the task as daunting, but rather as a chance to learn. Fear of mistakes can often mislead people from asking or answering questions, but what one needs to realize being wrong allows one to grow in that area, and should not be discouraged from taking a leap of faith. Confidence is the ability to provide oneself with the belief that they are doing the right thing, and the support of others is also key to bringing one to the point where they can support themselves. Lastly, comparing the difference between being confident and overconfident is essential to understanding the underlying causes which advance these qualities. Confidence allows one to take on challenges they otherwise would not have, and the amount someone has is not fixed and can be changed for the

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