Personal Essay: My Journey Into The World Of Sports

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My journey into the world of sports began when I was very young. My parents allowed me to run around in my backyard from as early as I could remember where I learned to run, jump throw and develop coordination. From nursery I was normally at the front of most races. That continued into primary school where I represented the school in the Milo competition up to class 2 .The school also participated in a football competition, however I did not make that team for reasons unknown. My first disappointment, that disappointment started to dull my love for playing that sport as I had no next year, I was already in Class 4. As I transitioned into secondary school I had my Physical Education sessions where I was introduced to other sports. However I had limited after school sports involvement in 1st form as I was more concerned in getting home as my school was not close to …show more content…

However in 2nd form, I decided to get more active, that decision landed me in the finals for the discus in the sports term and an interclass soccerama where I played defence. However that did not reignite the love I had for football

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