National Honor Society Essay Examples

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I’ve been told my whole life to “stay in school,” but I haven’t understood why until recently. Education, and the way each individual comprehends uniquely, allows for young adults to be set free into the world with knowledge that very few had until the recent centuries to change the world. At one point, I may have taken my education for granted, but I now fully understand the opportunity that has been placed before me. I want to use my education to change the world for not just me, but for as many as I possibly can around me, in a positive way. From the time that I was a sophomore in high school, I have been a member of the National Honor Society. I understand that this is an opportunity that is not granted to just anyone, and I have not taken it for granted. Some students see the mandatory twenty hours of yearly community service as an assignment, but I really take pride in the help that I have been able to provide to the community. I have participated in projects such as the annual Thanksgiving Feast at our middle school, in which we provide a free Thanksgiving meal to anyone from the community, the Breakfast with Santa, where we use the funds raised from breakfast ticket prices to contribute to our …show more content…

Before I became President of the Rochester Chapter of the National Honor Society, all of the funds raised went to purchasing food for the meetings and subsidizing field trips for Honor Society members. My fellow officers and I changed the laws so that half of the funds that are raised are donated to our local ROOF, providing services for the less fortunate in our community. None of this would have been possible if it had not been for the education that I have received my entire life, allowing me to achieve the grade point average necessary to hold membership in Honor

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