My Shield Reflection

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I heavily prepared my shield speech, and I finished my shield over a week early. I came up the with idea myself and I cut out all the letters with my Circuit paper cutter. I think that my shield represented me perfectly, and that my shield worked well with my speech. My only problem during my speech is that it didn't stand up on the tripod too well because of its book-like shape. It was refusing to open up all the way and kept wanting to bend backwards, contrary to what books usually do. But, I think that I adjusted to the situation nicely and I just kept on going. Thankfully the passport never fell off of the tripod because that could have made me flustered. I practiced my speech in front of my parents at home as well as by myself so that I could be well prepared. I was supposed to go fourteenth, but since I was going to be gone that day, I had to switch to fifth. I was ready to go fifth and I was glad to have it done. I was nervous the morning of my speech, but I brought my two notecards to choir to review my points, so I felt way better about my speech after extra preparation. I came early that morning to school to review my introduction in a practice room and then I handed in my shield. I believe I did well during my speech, and afterwards, one of my main …show more content…

It's always important to be able to convey your thoughts in an organized manner, and to be able to tell main things about yourself to others. I will work on having better transitions next time with my shield. I will also especially work on time management so that I don't have the fear of going over time. I also plan to practice with my visual aid on the tripod so that there are no surprises during my speech. Overall, I think that this shield speech was a very strong speech for me and I hope that the rest of my speeches this year will have a great visual aid and be strong speech like this shield speech

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