Ofsted Reflective Essay

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This presentation has informed my knowledge about Ofsted greatly. As a student, I have only ever witnessed my previous teachers and schools being inspected and have never experienced the ‘behind the scenes’ of an Ofsted inspection. By completing this task, I feel that I am now able to understand the process that Ofsted follow in a clearer form and feel that this would be very beneficial towards my professional development. This is because as I aspire to be a primary school teacher, I am now aware of what Ofsted look out for in an inspection and feel that I would be able to implement the knowledge gained into my practice and work ethics. Furthermore, my presentation has allowed me to self-evaluate myself and has helped me understand my strengths and …show more content…

However, I did notice that there were a few faults in the presentation, one being a fault that I personally consider may have negatively impacted our presentation. It seems to me that I was not able to deliver the presentation to the best of my ability as I had let my nerves get the best of me when talking to the staff. The reason for this was that I was not comfortable with taking on the speaking role that I was given and that there were last minute changes made to my slides right before presenting. Bruner, (1996) stated that the learning process for staff relies on the “meaningful dialogue” that is presented by the presenters. In this case, I think that my speech was not strong enough to grab the audience’s attention, thus not being able to portray my message about what an Ofsted inspection is and what the results from an Ofsted inspection mean. Nevertheless, although I was not able to present to the quality that I had wished, the feedback received was reassuring that I had not done terribly bad. I was able to see myself grow as a presenter as I noticed that my

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