My Long Term Goals At Houston Community College

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Chadd Phillips EDCU 1300 SS 6pm-8pm

My Long term goals are things that can happen once I accomplish my short term goals. My first short goal is to graduate from Houston Community College with an associate of business management then transfer to a four university which is one of my long term goals and get a bachelors in Business. This is an important goal for me because this goal will help set up my second goal and also be the base of the long term goals I've set. My second goal would be to utilize my degree and find a job to where I can make a decent amount of money and pay for school myself. The third of my short term goal is to move in to my own place. Having my own place would be a huge …show more content…

My first long term goal would be to transfer to a 4 year college to finish my degree. If I could choose anywhere Texas University would be it. This goal would also come with a job upgrade and hopefully a house purchase. That goal would motivate me to focus more on starting a family type goal. After finishing up school I would began to look at the chance of settling down and starting a family. This is one of the most important things for me to achieve because of the meaning to me. This means after years of hard work I would be able to say I've worked my hardest to put myself in a situation to where I can afford a family comfortably. My third long term goal would be to put my children through college. I know how hard it is to do things on your own and I don’t my own kids going through what I had to do. These are all my life goals long and short to accomplish them its going to take hard work and

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