Importance Of Feedback In Communication

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“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” This quote by George Bernard Shaw is important, as many times it is assumed that people know what they should do, and how they are doing, but this is not the case.
Feedback is essential for an organizations success. By providing feedback to employees they are able to discover if they are achieving goals, achieving in their role, learning what they are doing well, what needs improvement, and how they impact others in the workplace (Kennedy)
Feedback is cheap and powerful, but it is underused. Giving employees the feedback that they need and want is motivating and energizing and there is strong evidence that it will increase employee satisfaction …show more content…

By providing feedback, it not only values staff, it values management which can boost morale. Quality feedback will also lead to employees becoming more engaged and empowered to be productive. Feedback builds trust between the managers and employees and in turn reduces turnover.
Feedback both positive and negative needs to be SMART. Specific, measurable, realistic, and time framed. Kennedy) providing quality feedback will is essential for a successful organization.
Even though we’ve been conditioned to believe that “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” in an attempt to be nice, difficult feedback is avoided. Giving employees regular feedback is the most important thing you can do as a manager to improve performance and engagement because reinforcing the behaviors you want from an employee has the biggest positive impact on engagement, and employees who receive helpful, continuous feedback from managers not only perform better, they’re also much more engaged.
Increasing Productivity and Satisfaction
Feedback is critical in providing employees with the goals related to tasks and performance. Goals provide employees with the criteria for success and as goals are met they provide conditions for employees and managers to create more challenging …show more content…

98% of employees disengage when managers are giving little or no feedback. These numbers tell us that there is no question that meaningful and frequent feedback is essential to organizational success, and employee satisfaction. (Windust) To provide effective and positive feedback you need to first understand the need for feedback. Feedback should be provided to employees often, if it is only given one time per year during and annual review, it may come off as more of an attack, ` feedback is given often it is accepted as trust has been built between the employees and managers

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