Management Turnover

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This case study was about the president of Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, a restaurant chain specializing in seafood, whose practice structure and secret to success was to have and maintain minimal management turnover. In fact, his focus on turnover was so successful that he did not have a general manager leave for 3 years, and he has decreased management turnover from 36% to 16% in 2 years. The motivation of an organization’s employees significantly affects it success. Additionally, employee turnover, absenteeism, and tardiness weaken employee productivity.
Based on what I learned in Chapter 10, interventions that I would make to reduce management turnover would be to include various and multiple strategies for promoting employee job satisfaction and commitment. What this means is that organizations today are concentrating on retaining good employees, so motivational techniques play a big part in an organization’s success. Turnover is time consuming and costly. I have never understood the purpose of the “revolving door” at some of the law firms that I have been employed other than a dysfunctional management. As Barry Schwartz stated, “society needs to be mentored by wise teachers.” (Ted2009).
Some of the things that companies could do to improve job satisfaction for example, would be to identify when an employee is bored on the job, address it, obtain feedback from the employee for ideas to make their job more interesting and challenging. This would allow a leader to assist this individual in designing different ways to perform duties or depending on individual’s future career goals and performance level, may need more responsibility or promotion in order for the employee to maintain job satisfaction and retention with t...

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...ob satisfaction in the past and the effects it had on me as a midlevel paralegal at the time were very rewarding, exciting, invigorating, and educational, which allowed me to reach a higher and more complex level of paralegal skills and knowledge base. This can be a powerful and blissful experience when the methods are properly applied.


Aamodt, M. G. (2013). Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach. (7th ed.).

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Hood Crecca, D.,(Nov. 2003). Chain Leader. Staying Power – Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Builds its

management bench to ensure the success of new units. Retrieved from

Schwartz, B., Our loss of wisdom video. (Ted2009). Retrieved from

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