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Parents influences on child development
Parental influence on child development
Parents influences on child development
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Growing up there was one rule in particular that my father was repeatedly teaching me to live by. From the time he had me take the test to skip first grade to the time when he placed me in an advanced math class in fifth grade, he'd been working hard to make sure I was never at ease and slacking in my education. As a child, I couldn't fully decode the importance of such a rule so in many cases it seemed frightening and unnecessary to me. It took years but by high school I began to finally understand that all the times he questioned and pushed me was so that later on I would learn to leave the small boundaries of my comfort zone to start challenging myself without fear or doubt. When this lesson finally hit home, my plans for the future completely changed. Although I couldn't imagine myself pursuing anything other than a health profession, up …show more content…
After having my Georgia O'Keefe inspired flower painting chosen to be displayed in a student art gallery in fifth grade, I began to realize that the paintbrush I was holding for fun was the key to one of my talents. My interest sparked over the years, and in ninth grade I won first place in my school's sidewalk art competition after the entire school voted on my depiction of a roaring tiger on the concrete using chalk pastel. In tenth grade, I decided to improve my skills by taking AP Studio Art. Each addition to my portfolio helped me learn with hours of practice and difficulty several of the various techniques that I didn't even know existed. Art is such a time consuming activity so a lot of the times I worried that it wasn't worth the trouble since it had nothing to do with my future career. However with plenty of research, I discovered that dentistry is impossible without an aesthetic sense and a steady hand on a daily basis so I realized that my artistic abilities would serve a perfect advantage in the
To put it simply, there is nothing more I would rather do than influence how people see good and the bad in our world, and to me there is only one medium for that, film.
I left my school books inside the bottom of my desk, just as all the students had done in my class. My father was home on vacation that particular day and asked me where my books were. I replied that they were in my desk at school. That answer led to a ten minute lecture on how I was to never leave my books at school ever again. He told me that I would never succeed if I did not take schooling seriously. That was the only motivational speech I received while I was in school. That conversation affects me to this day. I bring all the books I am required to buy at the beginning of each term to my classes. I purchase my books the moment I find out what books I need for that quarter. I have always strived to excel in all the courses I take because of that conversation. My father intervening made me angry at the time; however, over time it made me reevaluate my approach to school. Yes, it was difficult to carry all those books home every day after school, especially in high school, but that was my
“Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me,” said by the famous Fred Rogers. Teaching is a noble profession that takes patience, integrity, and passion. It is a chance to make an impact and be a hero. Whenever I tell people about my passion I am asked judgmental questions such as, “Why do you want to teach high schoolers?” “Do you even get paid that much?” “Is that even a full time career?” My intended field of study, art education, is immensely rewarding in so many ways than one. Those questions, rooted in ignorance, never wavered my faith in myself because I know the truth about the power of art. I get the opportunity to help child create something they never thought possible. No matter a child’s background, ethnicity,
From an early age I have always had a strong interest in art, and have been involved with it in some form all through my life. In year nine I realized that it was something that I might like to pursue as a career, I started taking it more seriously. The Chase's art department encouraged me very well and helped me develop my art skills.
When you love to do something, you want to do it every day, all the time, till you get sick of it. Even then that excitement and devotion to do it is still there. That is how I feel about art. I have a great passion for it. It is a form where I can express myself in a way words can’t.
Ever since I was a kid I have been surrounded by music, which has caused it to have a bigger impact on me than anything else in life. Although I will be majoring in strictly Business, my dream career is to work in some part of the Music Business. I hope to graduate college with a deep understanding of management, finance, and marketing. I plan on auditioning for the choir, joining clubs, and when sophomore comes along, applying for internships at record labels in NYC and LA. Since music has always had an extreme impact on me, my dream is to simply make an artists dream come true. I have seen many people surrounding me either be positively or negatively affected by music, so I plan to find the next hit superstar and help them make a positive
I vividly recall my interest in artwork as a child, playing with modelling clay in hopes of crafting something beautiful. I used to create small pieces of art by carving a bar of soap, such as a fish. Executing such patterns while concurrently employing my mind and hands both thrilled me and complimented my detail attentive persona. With a dream of carving a beautiful smile and to make a difference in someone’s life, I joined Sri Ramachandra University, a premier medical school in south India renowned for its dental program.
Art classes throughout kindergarten and up to my junior year in college have taught me so much about expression, performance and making a statement. Learning and practicing art introduces a new way of processing information, and approaching problems. In my
From Mark Twain to Vincent van Gogh, each genre of art comes with its greatest master. There are many compelling arguments to why this specific artist, musician or writer is the best in their category. In modern days, we don’t have a Mozart, or a Hemingway or even an Andy Warhol. There are many good artists of their own kind and many more are emerging thanks to new technology and new forms of media art. However, many arguments are made as to why these forms of art aren’t considered true forms of art. A few years back and even today, many argue that digital paintings aren’t real art so it is not surprising when people don’t think of a video game as an art form, but it is. The world is at constant change and so is art.
With one fell swoop of my hand. I can turn blobs of color into busy highways of light. Into lines piercing the sky. I can tell the story of your family and before all the t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted I can give you just a little piece of my soul. My talent that has set me apart from others has been my art, but living my life as a multifaceted person I don’t think it's that simple to say “The thing that makes me different is my art,” is to put me in a box with other individuals that have declared the same statement. The artistic experience is one that is meant to share humanity with others. This is what has been integral to who I am today. My love for humanity and my interest in sharing and preserving it by any means necessary.
I always loved participating in art classes and was excited that I could do so in high school. Through freshman year, I diligently practiced my art skills whether it be through doodling in my notebook or creating drawings for my friends. At Hillwood High School, students chose what academy they wanted to join for sophomore through senior year. As a sophomore, I really wanted to be in the art academy, because I firmly believed that I wanted a career in art. Fortunately, I had art as a companion because sophomore year was difficult for me. I often felt alone or on the outside of social circles. Through art, such as painting and illustration, I was able to persevere. I often carried a sketchbook with me, and would be seen drawing in it. My peers and teachers began to notice my art skills and would often compliment me on something I was currently drawing. Sometimes, they would ask to see my sketchbook and I would let them flip through the illustrated pages. My teacher said I should be in AP Art and I politely turned the offer several times because I honestly felt overwhelmed by the idea of a college-level art class. Ironically, junior year I joined AP
The arts have influenced my life in amazing ways. Throughout my life, art has been the place I run to and my escape from the world. As I’ve grown older, art has become so much more than that. Every piece of art I create is a journey into my soul. It’s a priceless way to deal with my emotions and my struggles. I create art not only because I enjoy it and because I want to, but because I have to. Somewhere deep inside there is a driving force, urging me to put my heart down on paper. I become emotionally attached to each of my pieces because they are like dashes on the wall marking my growth. Each one is the solution to a problem I have dealt with and overcome.
Both of my grandparents raised my own parents when being young kids into having discipline, responsibilities and obligations. Back in the day, the years were different and it required a lot more education/principles. Education has been one of the most maybe top five of me, my character. Since what I remember by parents always taught me the right path, not wrong, they always tried to fix my mistakes so I wouldn 't repeat them or make myself look bad in front of other people. They wanted me to be an educated person with principles, but I never understood why
In this age of technology, art is fundamentally essential for our society. Art brings beauty and creativity into the society. It is very important because it makes our society a better place. Art brings a sense of enjoyment and pleasure. Art allows for the expression of truth and beliefs. It portrays various ideas, feelings such as triumph, love, happiness, sorrow and boredom. Each and every message behind art shows ideas that are relevant to the society. The society can only be complete when there is a good balance between mechanical human capital and artistically inclined human capital. A healthy Malaysia is not only requires a good number of engineers, doctors, IT consultants, but also artists, designers, poets and singers to emerge as
“Do I want to become an artist?” I always ask myself this question. From a very young age, I knew God gave the gift of being an artist. In my school career, my artist abilities were noticed. From congratulation speeches to awards for my artwork. I was thankful for my recognition and worked even harder. Even though I had a passion for art, I also had a passion for sports. I played soccer ever since I could remember. I was also involved with action sports, more in snowboarding than others. When I got older, I had many opportunities one of them being a snowboarding instructor. As I grew up, my parents, teacher, and friends influence me to go to college, but more specifically art college. That is, what I am doing, going to art college. But now that I am in art school. I still ask myself “Do I want to become an artist?” Yes! I do want to become an artist. That is, an easy question but there is more to the question. What kind of artist?