College Admissions Essay: How Art Has Changed My Life

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Growing up there was one rule in particular that my father was repeatedly teaching me to live by. From the time he had me take the test to skip first grade to the time when he placed me in an advanced math class in fifth grade, he'd been working hard to make sure I was never at ease and slacking in my education. As a child, I couldn't fully decode the importance of such a rule so in many cases it seemed frightening and unnecessary to me. It took years but by high school I began to finally understand that all the times he questioned and pushed me was so that later on I would learn to leave the small boundaries of my comfort zone to start challenging myself without fear or doubt. When this lesson finally hit home, my plans for the future completely changed. Although I couldn't imagine myself pursuing anything other than a health profession, up …show more content…

After having my Georgia O'Keefe inspired flower painting chosen to be displayed in a student art gallery in fifth grade, I began to realize that the paintbrush I was holding for fun was the key to one of my talents. My interest sparked over the years, and in ninth grade I won first place in my school's sidewalk art competition after the entire school voted on my depiction of a roaring tiger on the concrete using chalk pastel. In tenth grade, I decided to improve my skills by taking AP Studio Art. Each addition to my portfolio helped me learn with hours of practice and difficulty several of the various techniques that I didn't even know existed. Art is such a time consuming activity so a lot of the times I worried that it wasn't worth the trouble since it had nothing to do with my future career. However with plenty of research, I discovered that dentistry is impossible without an aesthetic sense and a steady hand on a daily basis so I realized that my artistic abilities would serve a perfect advantage in the

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