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Importance of art careers
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Recommended: Importance of art careers
“Do I want to become an artist?” I always ask myself this question. From a very young age, I knew God gave the gift of being an artist. In my school career, my artist abilities were noticed. From congratulation speeches to awards for my artwork. I was thankful for my recognition and worked even harder. Even though I had a passion for art, I also had a passion for sports. I played soccer ever since I could remember. I was also involved with action sports, more in snowboarding than others. When I got older, I had many opportunities one of them being a snowboarding instructor. As I grew up, my parents, teacher, and friends influence me to go to college, but more specifically art college. That is, what I am doing, going to art college. But now that I am in art school. I still ask myself “Do I want to become an artist?” Yes! I do want to become an artist. That is, an easy question but there is more to the question. What kind of artist? Now, that I have been a student and attending Cleveland Institute of Art. I have gone through …show more content…
I am not that kind of person to give up. I do not like disappointing others and knowing that I could have done it. Especially, when I get to attend one of the top rated art school and knowing I will have the materials to be successful. Here and there, I think about that questions in the back of my mind. “Do you want to become an artist? What kind of artist?” I think about my passions, art, snowboarding, and more. “Did I make the right choice to come to Art college?” My mind wonders about this question a lot. “What if I did not apply to Cleveland Institute of Art? Where would I be? What would I be doing with myself?” I know that I would be pursuing my passion in actions sports. Specially, outdoor EMT, I would be learning how to save lives while doing the things I love. Such as hiking, climbing, camping, and snowboarding. I do catch myself drifting away and start daydreaming about this during the
Education is something I believe in. When it comes to school all I think of is being a future student of Old Dominion University. Ever since the 7th grade ,when I joined the avid program, I have had the dream to go to college. Teachers at Windsor Oaks Elementary school showed me how fun learning is. Plaza middle school instilled in me that knowledge is key to everything. Green Run High School is helping on my way to success. Education is not just the kind of things I do at school, but instead it is learning new things everyday. I am passionate about becoming smarter and gaining wisdom. Growing up, my parents always applauded my hard work ethic in school because they have realized the immense impact that education has. Education has allowed people to thrive more than anything else. Without
Going to college is something that has been drilled into my brain by the public education system since I was in first grade. They obviously did a phenomenal job because here I am, a high school senior, applying to various colleges and universities trying to find the right fit. There are many reasons why I want to go to college, but there is one reason above all others, and that is that I want to be able to share my passion of music with others in hopes of sparking a similar passion inside of them.
“A good education is a foundation for a better future.” ~ Elizabeth Warren. The reasoning behind why I want to go to college is to better my future. I am considered one of the first generation in my family to go to college, putting a lot of meaning behind why I believe I should go on to a different path. From a very young age I have always held high expectations of myself, even of the numerous changes in careers I had obtained an interest in. I have always envisioned myself going to college because I certainly value education. I believe that the more education I receive, the more valuable I am to this generation of the work force. Not only does my passion of learning hold place in the reasoning behind why I want to go to college, but because of my role models growing up. My parents both encourage me on a daily basis to go to college, and have encouraged my initiative to seek more in life. My father once explained that he once had this opportunity to receive a free ride to college but decided to stay home and start a family. He of course never looked back or regretted his decision because if not I wouldn 't be here today, but he encouraged me to take on these amazing offers and
“Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me,” said by the famous Fred Rogers. Teaching is a noble profession that takes patience, integrity, and passion. It is a chance to make an impact and be a hero. Whenever I tell people about my passion I am asked judgmental questions such as, “Why do you want to teach high schoolers?” “Do you even get paid that much?” “Is that even a full time career?” My intended field of study, art education, is immensely rewarding in so many ways than one. Those questions, rooted in ignorance, never wavered my faith in myself because I know the truth about the power of art. I get the opportunity to help child create something they never thought possible. No matter a child’s background, ethnicity,
From an early age I have always had a strong interest in art, and have been involved with it in some form all through my life. In year nine I realized that it was something that I might like to pursue as a career, I started taking it more seriously. The Chase's art department encouraged me very well and helped me develop my art skills.
Well, perhaps what I'm asking is that you do a little soul-searching. Ask yourself if you really want a degree in art and to make it a career. Please consider all this and think on
Throughout the entirety of my high school experience, my school has prepared me to be what they call, ‘future ready’. This concept was designed to prepare us for what comes next after high school, we were told to contemplate colleges and careers that we’d want to pursue. Growing up, I wanted to be an artist, to share my creativity and to inspire others through my art, but I realized that I needed to more than that, and my hobby wasn’t a realistic career choice. Last year, after months of trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, I discovered my true calling. I spent years complaining about the school system and staff, nagging me constantly to do better, but what I realize now is that they were only trying to encourage me to succeed, to make a difference, and that’s exactly what I want to do. The American educational system is designed to inform and inspire, and that’s how I choose to give back to my country as well.
When you love to do something, you want to do it every day, all the time, till you get sick of it. Even then that excitement and devotion to do it is still there. That is how I feel about art. I have a great passion for it. It is a form where I can express myself in a way words can’t.
I’d always thought about making my passion for art into a career but it wasn’t until I was older that I kept hearing how that wouldn’t be beneficial which discouraged me but I was lucky enough to have encouraging art teachers who made me aware of the different fields that could be pursued with an arts degree. Once I decided I wanted to pursue an art degree, I began reflecting on how I’d want to continue forward and I thought of my Art History class.
Art classes throughout kindergarten and up to my junior year in college have taught me so much about expression, performance and making a statement. Learning and practicing art introduces a new way of processing information, and approaching problems. In my
My short term goal is to graduate from Academy of Art University as soon as possible. Afterwards I want to find a job in an established company so that I gain some experience. In my country, although animations has started been produced to entertain people, I do not think that the graphic, storyline, and other qualities meet the industry standard when compared internationally. So for my long term goal, I would want to build my own animation studio back in my country. I want to improve the overall quality so that animations in my country can go international.
I think about art often. My father is an artist as well as my sister. I grew up surrounded by art either in paintings, dance, or art performances I attended at my sister’s high school, the arts academy. My desire to create art must have a root in my childhood, where I was constantly involved in beautiful creations of the human
The Creative Arts play a significant role in early childhood education as it provides children with a diverse range of skills to enhance their learning and development to meet the needs of succeeding in the 21st century. Educators can promote The Arts by adopting the Reggio Emilia approach to education, encouraging children to co-construct the curriculum to develop their skills in partnership with teachers, families and their cohorts. The focus of this essay is to emphasise the value of Creative Arts in early childhood education by providing a summary of the concepts and skills of the Creative Arts and the four strands; Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts. Then, ascertain how Creative Arts benefit children’s social development, language and
The summer before my senior year, I participated in Ringling School of Art and Design’s Pre Coll...
During my whole life and experience I have been interested in the Art, Creativity, and I have been traveling around Graphics Designing. When I go out to centres, supermarkets, the high streets around Kingston anywhere in London, Germany and other parts of Europe which I have seen. I have seen lots of Graphics designs in advertising, Billboards companies for example in electronical products or any type of product the graphics advertising companies running around the world, just because of that I was inspired in the graphics designing and I was influence by the subject.