Personal Narrative: A Career In Art

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Art has been a therapeutic outlet for me since I was very young. I was intrigued by the ability to create from my imagination or translate what I observe and put it onto a canvas or paper. As a young, female with an eating disorder, art has let me channel any negative thoughts or emotions into art pieces that reflect what I am afraid to express verbally. If I ever felt like the voice of the eating disorder was blaring, I would grab a pencil or a paintbrush and channel it into a tangible form of release onto a physical, exterior surface. The daily struggle of living with an eating disorder has also influenced my style artistically. My illustrated figures are often distorted with long necks and skeletal bodies and limbs. Their distortion is derived from …show more content…

I always loved participating in art classes and was excited that I could do so in high school. Through freshman year, I diligently practiced my art skills whether it be through doodling in my notebook or creating drawings for my friends. At Hillwood High School, students chose what academy they wanted to join for sophomore through senior year. As a sophomore, I really wanted to be in the art academy, because I firmly believed that I wanted a career in art. Fortunately, I had art as a companion because sophomore year was difficult for me. I often felt alone or on the outside of social circles. Through art, such as painting and illustration, I was able to persevere. I often carried a sketchbook with me, and would be seen drawing in it. My peers and teachers began to notice my art skills and would often compliment me on something I was currently drawing. Sometimes, they would ask to see my sketchbook and I would let them flip through the illustrated pages. My teacher said I should be in AP Art and I politely turned the offer several times because I honestly felt overwhelmed by the idea of a college-level art class. Ironically, junior year I joined AP

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