Fiction Books Essays

  • Should Fiction Books Be Taught In Schools Essay

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    forms of psychosis or severe neurosis. ¨ This relates back to why we should keep fiction books in school because fiction books allow our imaginations to run wild and give examples of how people “should” interact because some people have social anxiety which could cause mental illness such as agoraphobia. If we keep fiction books i believe that it will help more people get out there and interact with others. Fiction books should be kept in schools because they allow an escape for children with mental

  • Linearity And Cyclic Conception Of Time In Ngugi's Fiction: Book Analysis

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    The present study’s literary investigation of Ngugi’s fiction draws heavily from Heidegger’s notions of time, temporality and historicity. According to Heidegger (1962), temporality is a unity against which past, present and future stand out as ecstasies while remaining essentially interlocked. Heidegger views ecstasies as horizons, in the sense of what limits, surrounds or encloses and in so doing discloses or makes available. The significance of the foregoing Heideggerian interpretation of temporality

  • Literary Devices Utilized in Thomas Foster's Book "How to Read Literature Like a Professor" Put to Use in "Pulp Fiction"

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    Foster's book, “How to Read Literature Like a Professor”, Foster explains in detail the numerous ingredients of a story. He discusses almost everything that can be found in any given piece of literature. The devices discussed in Foster's book can be found in most movies as well, including in Quentin Tarantino’s cult classic, “Pulp Fiction”. This movie is a complicated tale that follows numerous characters involved in intertwining stories. Tarantino utilizes many devices to make “Pulp Fiction” into an

  • The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis

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    The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis The book I read for my book report was a fiction book called The Horse and His Boy by C. S. Lewis. This is the third book in the "Chronicles of Narnia" series and it was published in 1954. The story takes place in the make-believe land of Calormen and the also make-believe land of Narnia. It's about a boy that runs away from his life of slavery and his adventure to come. I found this book to be adventurous, exciting, and suspesful (to an extent). It shows

  • Faulkner's The Eighth Day: A Fiction Book

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    Have you ever heard about a book about the book The Eighth Day? If you haven’t you’re missing out. Its about a boy that learns he’s part of a secret society of people called Transitioners that are able to go through a eight day of the week. The Eighth Day is a fiction book. A fiction book is a story that tells fake facts about unreal people and things. This book is a fiction book because it explains the life of a boy that has unreal supernatural powers. Also, this story also talks about magic

  • Allowing Cloning

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    Allowing Cloning In earlier times the subject of cloning human beings has been no more than just a fantastic idea to play around with in science-fiction books and movies. As time progresses though, more and more fantasies become realities. Such is the case with cloning. What has only been dreamt up before by artists on pen and paper can now be performed by scientists in laboratories. With the ability to clone humans now possible the question of whether such an act should even be carried out

  • Marine Corps: Re-socialization of Young Men into a Warrior Society

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    re-socialization process is necessary and does it serve a useful purpose. If it does, what is that purpose? To the best of my knowledge there has never been a sociological study of the effects of Marine recruit training, and only one or two non-fiction books have been written about the training of male Marine recruits, most by someone who never served in the Corps. This paper will make reference to those works, but for the most part will rely on the experiences of the author, a Marine for more than

  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Book Report

    1436 Words  | 3 Pages

    Clancy Rainbow Six This book was published by G.P. Putnam's Sons in New York, USA. Copyright date is 1998. There are 740 pages in this book. Thomas L. Clancy, Jr. was born on the 12th of April 1947, he is married and lives in Maryland, USA. Clancy's novels can be classified as Military-Techno-Thrillers. He has written fiction and non-fiction books, Rainbow Six is a fiction book. As for other titles, well there are just to many to list, in total 23. Some books that he has written are The

  • Contemporary Fiction in Gary D. Schmidt's Book on Trouble

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    piercing beam of light shines over the murky land, providing respite—albeit brief—from the harsh battering of the neighboring terrain. Trouble, by Gary D. Schmidt, wraps this picture eloquently in the form of a compelling and captivating contemporary fiction book. Trouble primarily centers around a boy named Henry Smith, who never really understood the formidable potential of the omnipotent entity Trouble in his safe and idyllic life. Henry had always fallen into the dark shadow of his brother, Franklin

  • How Revenge Shapes our Literature and Society

    516 Words  | 2 Pages

    two. I think revenge shows up so much in life because it’s a part of human nature. I think it shows up in literature because fiction and non-fiction books imitate life. Our literature is a reflection of what is going on in a society. If you want to know what was happening or what the social norms were for a certain time period all you have to do is read the popular fiction of the time.

  • How Do Books Have Changed Over Time

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    Reading is timeless. A thoughtful and enticing book can inspire endless imagination and thoughts. Reading is limitless. Books can be about anything and the words give the reader infinite emotions. No two books are quite the same, and no two books make the reader feel the same way. Books provide a pathway to escape the real world to enter the imaginative world. Time becomes obsolete while reading. The story is out there, ready to be read, it is only a question of when the reader finishes. The act

  • Why We Should Banning Books Be Banned

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    Banned Books are books that have been taken off of library shelves because they have been found to have inappropriate content. Books are often challenged by parents who do not want their kids to read them and be exposed to this material. However, Taking books off of shelves is unfair to people mature enough to process the content and hinders the learning of those who would be able to gain something from reading the books. What children are or are not allowed to read should be the parents responsibility

  • Wonder Book Analysis

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    Have you ever thought for a while,” What is my favorite book that my class has read this year?” Well if you have ever read the book Wonder you would know what I mean when I say, I think Wonder is the best book we have read this whole year. When you sit and think, you realize so many things. The things I have realized is I connect to the characters, I love the humor, and the type of book it is. First, I truly connect to the characters in this book. Via, well Via and I got it going. I have a brother

  • Personal Narrative: Love You Forever

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    a very young age, I barely had any book time. I would occasionally ask for mama to read to me but she always looked down, frowned and said “not tonight.” All the other kids got their parents to read to them. It was no fair. I didn’t like reading, the sound of one of parent’s tired voice after dealing with their crap talking boss made me feel so comforted. My father, with his smooth baritone, reading Love You Forever as I slowly drifted into sleep, until the book inevitably ended and jolted me back

  • Why I Grow Myself As A Writer

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    back on my year of book love, I think I have started to grow myself as a reader. I have always had a love for literature, reading but writing so much more. So with all the collective pieces I have been exposed too, I have gotten to see a variety of different writing styles and literary devices that have helped blossom my passion for writing even further. For me, reading and writing go hand in hand. Therefore it was been a great opportunity to expose myself and indulge in books. Book that, if I was still

  • A Wimpy Kid: The Influence Of Books

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    Books vary in different subjects and genres, but no matter how much different they are they all teach beneficial information in many ways. From experiences from real people, to fiction events or just a poem they create teachings. The authors get their teachings out in three ways characters, experiences and morals. They put everything in a story for a reason to somewhat give you an idea what the lesson it be learned from. Books can also influence the decisions we make as humans. Without books we

  • Booktopia Business Strategy

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    eBooks Are you a bibliophile and looking for a perfect place to buy your favourite books? Then Booktopia is the perfect place for you where you can find variety of books of different genres. It is one of the leading online book stores in Australia. The Company has its headquarters in Sydney. You can look for all kinds of books, e books, DVDs and much more at the site of Booktopia. You can look for more than 4 million books from the database of the Company which have been systematically arranged into

  • Should To Kill A Mockingbird Be Banned Essay

    687 Words  | 2 Pages

    Should To Kill a Mockingbird be banned from the high school curriculum? Should the 1961 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction award winning book be banned? There has been a lot of controversy about whether To Kill a Mockingbird should be banned in the High School curriculum, and this is absurd. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a novel that focuses mainly on racism, but also includes many themes, such as Good vs Evil, Education, social inequality, justice vs injustice, and many more. There are many important

  • Book Bannings

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    "Don't join the book burners... Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book." said Dwight D. Eisenhower. This quote means that you should not ban a book just because it contains some inappropriate language or graphical content. In the article “Book Bannings on the Rise in US schools, says anti-censorship group”, by David Barnett, the non-fiction article talked about an anti-censorship group banning and burning books just because parents were concerned about the graphical content. In

  • Why I Want To Read

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    I was in first grade. But the first time I actually enjoyed reading books was when I was in middle school. In sixth and seventh grade, I started to read more books than I did before, but I did not take pleasure in it as much and just read because it was mandatory to read a certain amount and type of books for classes. It was between the end of eighth grade and the beginning of the summer was I really started to enjoy reading books. From then on, my interest in reading increased dramatically beginning