A Wimpy Kid: The Influence Of Books

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Books vary in different subjects and genres, but no matter how much different they are they all teach beneficial information in many ways. From experiences from real people, to fiction events or just a poem they create teachings. The authors get their teachings out in three ways characters, experiences and morals. They put everything in a story for a reason to somewhat give you an idea what the lesson it be learned from. Books can also influence the decisions we make as humans. Without books we as humans wouldn’t be able to learn as sufficiently.

Characters from a book can portray one of the biggest impact on people, and are able to learn about ourselves. Certain characters make stupid decision such as steal a car, and they have to owe up to their crime. Something like that would influence the readers to not steal a car, because of the consequences. For example in the book “The Fault in my Stars”, Gus had inspired, and influenced many in the book. That event had spoke to many and had inspired people to be nicer to one another. Even in the story “The Little Engine That Could”, his attitude of going through the hill could influence someone to do something they don’t think they …show more content…

It could show you what is right and what is wrong. In “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” Greg lied about chasing the kids with a worm, but ended up getting caught. This tells the readers don’t go lying, because you will get caught. Since Diary of a Wimpy Kid is meant for kids, this would help influence their decisions. In the “The Giver” they all live in a community which makes everyone almost the same, and it shows the importance of individuality and freedom of choice. This just effects the reader on how individuality is such a piece to life, and not to go judge anyone because they are different. Experiences are the main roles to teaching such an excellent moral. Experiences can teach good from bad, and definitely teach a

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