The Thousand And One Nights: An Analysis

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When an author begins to write a story, he/she does not simply write to write, every author has one major purpose in their writings, and that purpose is to have a moral. A lesson learned, so the world as the characters know it will be a better place; but how does an author express that moral? The answer is through literary devices. There is no such thing that one author moral in their writing is better than the other authors writing and vice versa when it comes to how they explain it. Everyone writing is unique, but in my opinion, there is only one piece of writing that had a great moral and used amazing literary devices to express it and that piece is The Thousands and One Nights. The Thousand and One Nights is a combination of stories that were put together over hundreds of years ago. As time evolved it has maintained its original moral that used many literary devices to explain it. The frame tail or overall story in The Thousands and One Nights is the story of King Shahrayar. King Shahrayar brother Shahzaman found his wife in the arms of one of their kitchen boys. Hurt and with rage he killed his wife and the kitchen boy, and fled went to his brother's kingdom. While at his brother's kingdom, he was very depressed until one night he saw his brother wife sleep with a slave. Of course King Shahrayar was …show more content…

Her point in doing this lays out the main format of One Thousands and One Nights. You have her and King Shahrayar story as the reason while she is telling stories like The Merchant and the Demon within her story and uses cliff hangers and dramatic realization and other embedded narratives to emphasize, her distracting Shahrayar from killing women and making him realize the moral of the story. That women are powerful creatures, and though some are deceitful not all

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