Ethical leadership Essays

  • Essay On Ethical Leadership

    1218 Words  | 3 Pages

    Promoting ethical leadership in business What do Kenneth Lay, Bernard Ebbers, Conrad Black, Dennis Kozlowski, and Scott Thompson have in common? Yes, they were all in high ranking leadership positions, worked for very large companies, and were men. Unfortunately for the companies they worked for, they also lacked any sense of ethical leadership. Ethics are very important in the business world, and managers need to do all they can to hire and retain ethical people. What is an ethical leader? Ethical

  • Ethical Leadership and Diversity

    834 Words  | 2 Pages

    Schein in his book “Organizational Culture and Leadership” explains how different believes and behaviors start to be logical when we understand their cultures by stating “When we learn to see the world through cultural lenses, all kinds of things begin to make sense that initially were mysterious, frustrating, or seemingly stupid (2010, p.13).” This kind of foresight should be the starting point in order to manage the tremendously growing diversity in the workforce nowadays. Leaders and administrators

  • Ethical Leadership Paper

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    Ethical leadership and personal integrity are key components in determining the ethical culture of an organization. Moreover, leaders are integral components in the establishment of strong organizational integrity, which leads to the creation of strong ethical pathways that are consistent with the organization’s mission, vision and values (Gilbert, 2007). This paper will explore the ethical leadership of a leader I know, as well as, my commitment to personal integrity. This exploration will occur

  • Ethical Leadership and Diversity

    1169 Words  | 3 Pages

    Schein in his book “Organizational Culture and Leadership” explains how different believes and behaviors start to be logical when we understand their cultures by stating “When we learn to see the world through cultural lenses, all kinds of things begin to make sense that initially were mysterious, frustrating, or seemingly stupid” (2010, p. 13). This kind of foresight should be the starting point in order to manage the tremendously growing diversity in the workforce nowadays. Leaders and administrators

  • Leadership And Ethical Decision-Making

    740 Words  | 2 Pages

    Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making By Morgan D Nov 16, 2012 In any organization, ethical issues are hugely significant because they are the foundation for various modern concepts of running an organization and shareholders enrichment. Ethical factors have also a crucial influence on the institution as whole and public sector, for whom the societal priorities of service quality and cost management should be taken into account the same ethical considerations affecting the organization. In an organization

  • The Implication Of Ethical Leadership In An Organization

    2015 Words  | 5 Pages

    Ethical Leadership in Organization Rafael Pinto Raynanda, 008201400079 TAXATION 2014 Introduction Ethical leadership is the implementation of leadership that has an ethical manner in the process of the implementation. Leadership is actually an activity of leading an organization or a group of people or the ability to do that thing. A good leadership can be applied by a good leader that has a good ethical manner inside them. The ethical leadership will be run effectively if the leader really make

  • Understanding Ethical Leadership and Its Influence

    710 Words  | 2 Pages

    them to capitalize on their ability to influence ethical conduct. These three requirements are “achieve an understanding of ethics; serve as a role model in making ethical decisions; and develop and implement a plan of action for promoting ethical conduct on the part of his or her staff” (Waggoner, 2010). This paper attempts to define ethics and leadership and how they combine to create ethical leadership. It will explore the traits of an ethical and unethical leader as well as what influences

  • Ethical Leadership Case Study

    1576 Words  | 4 Pages

    Case Study: Ethical Leadership Question 1: My research of academic papers and books has concluded the following. Ethical leadership includes leading in a way that reverences the entitlements and dignity of other people (Ciulla 2004). A leader’s character and integrity is the groundwork of their individual characteristics which direct and influence their morals, actions and decisions (Resick et al. 2006). Ethical awareness is another important trait of an ethical leader. Ethical awareness is being

  • What Are The Strategies For Ethical Leadership

    990 Words  | 2 Pages

    Strategies for Ethical Leadership Development Leadership is more than a skill, more than the knowledge of theories, and more than analytical faculties; it is the ability to act purposively and ethically as the situation requires on the basis of the knowledge of universals, experience, perception, and intuition (Toor and Ofori, 2009). Ethical leadership is considered as the demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships, and the promotion

  • Ethical Leadership

    531 Words  | 2 Pages

    Affect Ethical leadership is leadership that is directed by respect for ethical beliefs and values and for the dignity and rights of others. It is thus related to concepts such as trust, honesty, consideration, charisma, and fairness. Ethical leadership is leading with a sense of trust and values. As an ethical leader, my goal is to set up a sense of trust and transparency with colleagues and direct report and ensure everyone is treated with fairness, dignity, and respect. This type of leadership allows

  • Ethical Leadership

    851 Words  | 2 Pages

    explain the meaning of leadership in an organization. There are several models and approaches which are typically used in our daily life and in this assignment such theory is discussed. Further, the training goals should be described which must be used to grow as a successful leader in any organization. The other part reflects a genuine commitment to the ethical leadership. Also, some recommendations are mentioned in next part which depicts the improvement in ethical leadership behavior in the organization

  • Andrew Carnegie Ethical Leadership Analysis

    1506 Words  | 4 Pages

    Visionary and ethical leadership are at the forefront of organizational success. The visionary leader can see where they want to be and blaze a trail to the finish line. Ethical leaders lead by knowing and doing what is right. The purpose of this essay is to showcase Andrew Carnegie’s visionary leadership while examining his struggle with ethical leadership. Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish immigrant who moved to New York in 1848 (Luke, n.d.). He worked his way up the ladder from a poor immigrant

  • Ethical Leadership Self Assessment Paper

    962 Words  | 2 Pages

    After analyzing the results of the Ethical Leadership Self-assessment, I realized that in order for me to achieve the performance goal/objectives and development goals previously mentioned of the second assignment, I have to implement an action plan. After thinking for while about what I was missing I came up with three actions methods that would help me accomplish my goals. The methods I found most important are the proactive method, motivation method, and goal-oriented method. I realized that at

  • Ethical And Ethical Leadership

    2216 Words  | 5 Pages

    called leadership. Leadership is interpret as a process. It is a process of social influence or we can say ability to influence others in order to accomplish a common task or achieving common objective. Leadership is a display of power and ability to control others, force superiority. Every action and behavior of the leader

  • The Importance Of Leadership In Ethical Leadership

    865 Words  | 2 Pages

    Leadership Role According to Pearce & Conger, (2002), the action that leads employees in achieving its objectives or goals is called leadership. It has been proven in several researches that leadership in an organization plays a significant role in employee’s productivity and performance (Yuki, 2001). Leaders are one of the people in an organization

  • Ethical Leadership Analysis

    1158 Words  | 3 Pages

    Paper Ethical behavior is distinguishing and performing ones actions accordingly. The trouble with this statement stems the questions of what is considered as “right.” The definition of this word varies according to individuals, customs, and beliefs. Ethical behavior represents a value system that has been developed from a logical analysis of society, established by fairness, integrity, the desires and privileges of people and oneself. Ethical leadership comprises of two aspects. First, ethical leaders

  • Ethical Leadership Essay

    1373 Words  | 3 Pages

    decided upon. Morals are personal, founded on personal belief structures. Ethical dilemmas are the ones where employees are confronted with choosing a right path over a path leading to more gains which can be professional or personal. These dilemmas complicate the work place by various other effects like, favouritism, dishonesty, bias, discrimination, conflict of interest and self-serving bias (Weinstein, 2007). The leadership of an organisation or a community is like a steering wheel because it leads

  • Ethics And Cultural Values And Challenges Of Ethical Leadership

    1459 Words  | 3 Pages

    QN 1 ETHICAL LEADERSHIP Ethical leadership is hard to define according to research cited by Yukl, (2013). Ethics depends on time, culture, and laws. We can attempt to define ethical leadership by looking at the leader’s behavior, values and how he or she influences followers (Yukl, 2013). Every organization has ethical and moral guidelines stipulated through their policies, rules and regulations. A leader who is honest and trustworthy can be said as an ethical leader. But it depends on how the

  • The Importance Of Ethical Leadership

    1684 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ethical leadership is having an understanding of who you are, what your core values are, having the courage to live them all, in your personal life as well as your work life. Ethical leadership involves leading in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of others. Ethical decision making and leadership are the basis of ethical organizations. Leadership is a relationship between leaders and followers. The foundation of this relationship is trust. The leaders themselves must be ethical in

  • Ethical Leadership Essay

    1599 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ethical leadership is of great significance to the prosperity of an organization. Ethical leaders usually motivate their employees to work hard. In that regard, ethical leadership requires a cocktail of ethical values ranging from rationality to independent and critical thinking. Most organizations nowadays have ethical leaders responsible for the good relationship among the members. Ethical leaders are usually more concerned about the welfare of other people rather than other motives. My focus on