Amitai Etzioni Essays

  • Amitai Etzioni: Working At Mcdonald's

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    Amitai Etzioni “Working at McDonald’s” Etzioni states that when people work at fast food businesses, it sets an nonacademic standard of working conditions. Workers are being taught specific roles in the workplace that are mapped out for them the way it is required to be, which leaves “[...] no room for initiative, creativity, or even elementary rearrangements” (Etzioni). Etzioni shares his idea that fast food industries are training “robots”. These “robots’ follow commands mindlessly, whether it

  • Working At Mcdonald's By Amitai Etzioni Summary

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    Amitai Etzioni’s article, “Working at McDonald’s”, is very informative. It gives a comprehensive description of the possible impact of part- time job on youngsters’ education. Etzioni’s use of creativity is praiseworthy. Nevertheless, his statements throughout the article lack credible evidence to support his claims. For the majority part of his essay, he only exerts his own personal observations to make conclusive remarks regarding teenagers’ employment. First, Etzioni’s sense of creative thinking

  • Working At Mcdonald's Analysis

    853 Words  | 2 Pages

    Working at McDonald’s In “Working at McDonald’s” Amitai Etzioni argues that teenagers’ work in the world chain can be seen as very useful for their future professional career as this kind of work is neither creative nor developing employee’s initiative. On the contrary, it develops skills which were necessary in the past while working on the industrial lines. The negative moment here is that the number of investigations on the issue is far from being sufficient, they were conducted in the past

  • Working At Mcdonalds Summary

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    In the article, “Working at McDonalds”, Amitai Etzioni argues that working at fast food chains such as McDonald's has more disadvantages than advantages for teenagers. First he says that jobs affect school involvement and attendance, next he says that jobs provide on the job experience but most of the time the experience taught is useless, lastly he says that fast food jobs provide a disadvantaged status. With all of this being said I agree with him to a certain extent, the parts where I disagree

  • Mcjobs Are Bad For Kids Summary

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    skills learned while working at a fast food restaurant are not always from what you are directly taught on the job. In the article “The Fast-Food Factories: McJobs are Bad for Kids,” the author, Amitai Etzioni, explains how fast food jobs hinder learning and the participation of students in school. Etzioni claims that while a fast food job provides income, it does not provide knowledge or skills that would be learn from other jobs such as carpenting, as well as stating that jobs like these dampen

  • Working At Mcdonald's By Amitai Summary

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    In Working at McDonald's, Amitai Etzioni portrays reasons why young people don't profit by McDonald's sort of job. His perspective is that low maintenance occupations meddles with school participation and association and don't grant aptitudes fundamental for future life. Furthermore, they skew the estimations of young people, especially concerning the financial estimation of cash, as indicated by him. He watches that McDonald's sort of occupation is very no instructive from various perspectives.

  • Amitai Working At Mcdonald's Analysis

    688 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction. In Working at McDonald’s, Amitai Etzioni brings to light his thoughts and feelings towards the employment of teenagers in fast-food restaurants. He presents this in the form of an essay with arguments based on analysis and personal experience. This paper will provide a review of Etzioni’s writing. It will focus on his main arguments and also look into any possible areas of weaknesses. Summary. Etzioni begins by expressing his attitude and feelings towards the employment of teenagers

  • Working At Mcdonald's Summary

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    Mcdonald’s” Amitai Etzioni expresses that working getting your first job as a teen at Mcdonald's and other fast food chains because it is in fact “bad for your kids”(285). He goes on to explain that he believes that nothing can be gained from working in these types of environments. In reality there are multiple reasons why working in fast-food chains can be immensely beneficial. There are many skills you can take away and several lessons to be learned. The first piece of evidence Etzioni brings to

  • Analysis Of Working At Mcdonald's By Amitai

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    In the essay, “Working at McDonald’s” Amitai Etzioni states that working at McDonald’s for teenagers is not a good for their current studies and future. I agree with him that working for teenagers in McDonald are not good under some circumstances and in the long term. Working in McDonald’s affect on the individual academic performance and also it affects on their attendance. According to Etzioni, “large amounts seem to flow to pay for an early introduction into the most trite aspects of American

  • Working At Teen Jobs By Amitai Etzoini Analysis

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    and there's nothing wrong with that most of the time. Teen jobs can be an excellent a thing if you have the right idea. Most people look at teen jobs and think that they are an awesome idea but that’s only because they only know half that truth. Amitai Etzoini, author of Working at McDonald’s claims that teen jobs are not beneficial because they aren’t educational, escapes from school and distorts the value if a teen. Most easy teen jobs don’t teach you much about anything and really

  • Dairy Queen Research Paper

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    A job is very important in life and everyone works hard to make money. To have a permanent job or career a person needs to be a good employee. It’s hard to be a good employee because it takes a lot of patience to deal with customers sometimes. After reading this paper you should be able to work at Dairy Queen or any fast food place and be on top of everything. To be a good employee at fast food place especially at Dairy Queen a person needs to have a good attitude with customers, learn how to make

  • Why Teens Should Not Have Jobs

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    I believe that teens (ages 14-16) should not be able to have a job. Though 87% of the people in the US say that teens should have a job I say otherwise and I am going to change their minds! If kids have a job then they can’t focus on their school work and will fall behind in their education. Another reason why teens should not be able to have jobs is there are too many restrictions for kids they aren't allowed to do most of the things that everyone else can do like working the grill or going in

  • Analysis Of Amitai Working At Mcdonald's

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    learn to manage their time schedule between school and work. In the essay, “Working at McDonald’s,” Amitai Etzioni believes that high school students working at McDonald’s can destroy their future. He explains very clear through his point of view that if high school students choose to work at McDonald’s or any fast-food places, it would be a waste of time because they only take advantage of them. Etzioni think that these high school students are set for low paid job because if they don’t continue with

  • George Orwell Erosion Of Privacy Essay

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    ¨Most importantly, giving up some measure of privacy is exactly what the common good requires. And, with some good will, we can mitigate the intrusive consequences.” - Amitai Etzioni It was 1949 when George Orwell's iconic book, 1984 was published, describing a world in which ‘big brother’ was always watching, and basic privacy ceased to exist. The year is now 2018, and although a large, powerful being with the title ‘big brother’ isn't watching our every move, at times it can seem the same. New

  • Working At Mcdonald's Analysis

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    can get out of it. In the essay by Amitai Etzioni: "Working at McDonald's", states a variety of strong points on why students should not work and continue to get an education instead of dropping out and working at a fast food restaurant forever. As

  • Analysis Of Working At Mcdonald's By Amitai

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    take a load off of their parents or jump-start their independence. Amitai Etzioni, a very well-known educator amongst prestigious schools who has a Ph.D in Sociology from University of California, Berkeley, touches upon this subject. All throughout his essay, Etzioni uses multiple tactics to justify this opinion that teenagers working in fast-food chains affects their academics. In the essay titled, “Working at Mcdonald’s”, Etzioni claims that teenagers tend to focus on instant gratification from

  • Technology taking over Parenting

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    technology. Some families do not have the money for the new additions to the technological world and other families have everything they have ever imagined. Amitai Etzioni is a professor at George Washington University. He has written nineteen books including the article “High-Tech Parenting.” It appeared in The American Enterprise in January of 1998. Etzioni writes on how a relationship between parent and child is becoming nothing more than a virtual relationship. Time usually spent together at home over

  • Overworked High Schooler Essay

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    Bulls or even sleep in class or at work in an effort to dedicate more time to their social lives. They don’t mind losing sleep if it means that they will rise in social status. However, that loss of sleep can be extremely unhealthy for them. Since Etzioni states that one third of fast food employees work more than 30 hours per week (251), when are these students

  • Robots Vs Humans: Reducing Costs in Space Exploration

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    Amitai suggests that space exploration can still occur but at a reduced price. His main point that justifies this statement is “the main costs of space exploration arise from the fact that we are set on sending humans, rather than robots”. Why robots? Well Amitai suggests that the reason why space exploration is at such a high cost is because humans require much more assistance than robots. Amitai explains how humans need to come back to earth so transportation is needed and this is not cheap. The

  • Summary Of Working At Mcdonald's By Amitai Etzioi

    969 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the essay, “Working at McDonald’s,” Amitai Etzioni shares his strong belief that working, especially at McDonald’s type restaurants, is bad for teenagers. I would agree that working is not a good thing for teenagers under some circumstances but at other times it is good. First, jobs affect school involvement and attendance in bad ways. Second, jobs often provide “on the job experience,” but much of the time the experience taught is useless. Third, fast food jobs may provide a disadvantaged