Working At Mcdonald's By Amitai Etzioni Summary

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Amitai Etzioni’s article, “Working at McDonald’s”, is very informative. It gives a comprehensive description of the possible impact of part- time job on youngsters’ education. Etzioni’s use of creativity is praiseworthy. Nevertheless, his statements throughout the article lack credible evidence to support his claims. For the majority part of his essay, he only exerts his own personal observations to make conclusive remarks regarding teenagers’ employment.
First, Etzioni’s sense of creative thinking is exemplary. In the opening paragraph, the author begins the article by making a general statement “McDonald’s is bad for your kids”(280). Originally, the reader may likely think that this essay is strictly addressing to parents on the nutritional aspects for their kids and McDonalds is not the food value products for their kids. Nonetheless, he instantly clarifies his statement by stating in the following sentence: “I do not mean the flat parties and the white-four buns; I refer to the jobs teenagers undertake” (280). This was an essential element in …show more content…

Etzioni emphasizes on three negative effects of teenagers part-time employment on education. He highlights that fast food jobs impede with education, do not convey new skills, and alter youngsters’ moral values and work principles. Further, the writer continues in following paragraphs giving appropriate ideas to support each of his claims. Etzioni depicts the American convention with respect to teenagers’ employment. The essay utters that youngsters’ employment was a conventional way of teaching “self-reliant, work-ethic-driven, productive” in young people. He then goes on providing a synopsis of the variation from the standard in the current situation. Etzioni also accentuates on the positive effects of teen jobs in terms of raising money for college for poor

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