Why I Want To Be Awarded A Scholarship

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Born and raised in an Indonesian average family, I have seen a lot of people my age not getting an adequate education. Luckily my mother values the education level of her children. She made us read kids’ magazines, continuously giving us books to read, and send us to an international school. I have understood the value of education since a very young age. Neither of my parents had the opportunity to attend college; because of this they struggled in their professional lives. After countless sacrifices they made throughout my elementary and secondary school, I now have the chance to be the first in my family to attend college, though I am in need of financial assistance to realize what has been my parents biggest dream.
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Having initiative and a great work ethic will result in honest and accountable companies. A strong work ethic is the fundamental character one should have to be a great business leader. I believe I have a positive work ethic, and this is one reason that I deserve to be awarded the scholarship.
During my secondary education, I learned business studies at a glance. At the same time, I also learn basic Chinese. Both study fields fascinates me. However I have never felt that I have learned enough business studies. I wish to increase my understanding about global markets, and am willing to challenge myself to approach world cultures and societies. If the university grants me the scholarship, I will surely invest the money to excel at learning international business, and use the money for attending elective courses or conferences related with my study field.
Talking about my long-term goals, studying international business can be counted as a preparation to strive for my career in international relations. Additionally, international business studies will be beneficial for my graduate studies where powerful knowledge of international business is extremely useful. Granting me the scholarship is going to be very helpful educationally and

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