Updating My Personal Profile

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In the current healthcare job market, the economy has left a large number of individuals seeking way they can advance their career. In this scenario, the job market has grown to become significantly competitive, and many individuals are missing opportunities because of a failure to update their personal profile documents. This is particularly the case for top positions such as that of a chief operating officer (COO). Updated personal profile documents are essential in allowing individuals to gain insights concerning the developments in the careers of their choice. Personal profiles need updating on a regular basis to allow individuals to prepare for their careers. Therefore, it’s imperative that I create a personal profile document to prepare me for a COO position in a health organization. Updating my personal profile document would serve to remind me of my various skills and achievements. A personal profile document does not detail one’s experience in different jobs or designations. It serves as a record of my work accomplishments. A personal statement specifies what I am capable of doing after attaining a particular position, the skills developed, as well as the differences career achievements. …show more content…

Owing to the pressures presented by the existing healthcare system, I am likely to forget my achievements with regard to the different skills I have accomplished. By reviewing and revising my personal profile document on a periodic basis, I would be in a position to track my professional progress and ensure that all crucial achievements reflect in it. If I update it only when seeking a job, I will forget to add any new skills and achievements that I accomplished throughout each job description. Doing it on a regular basis, however, would help me realize how I have grown in my career and reflect on how I can apply my skills to the COO position within a healthcare

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