HIMA Code Of Ethics Case Study

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Course Project
11 Ethical Principles listed in AHIMA Code of Ethics:
1. All health care employees will do everything within their power to protect the patient’s right to privacy. This means they will follow the HIPAA law closely. They will disclose information that is relevant to a specialist or treatment. Also, means they will release information that a patient has asked for as promptly as possible.
2. Health care workers must put their service to clients before their own interests. They will work in a way that brings honor to the Health Information Management profession. They are also required to work in a way that is flattering of a HIM specialist. They take credit for their work and ensure it follows the code of ethics. Professional …show more content…

Supposed infringements of the codes shall be dependent upon an associate check. The protocols for principles or improper actions that are given by the Code of Ethics. Of course a code of ethics can’t assure ethical conduct. Professional obligations usually require any one person to go above and over their own personal beliefs.
Code of ethics is to be utilized by AIHMA members, agencies, consumers, and others who choose to embrace it as a frame of reference. (AHIMA, 2014) AIHMA professional values are:
1. Quality which they demonstrate by continuing commitment to modernization, relevance, and continuing improvement in services, products, and programs.’
2. Integrity which is demonstrated by acceptance in decision making, having honest communication and activities with ethical practices that demand trust and support …show more content…

My job is to also ensure that the patient is aware of our HIPAA policies and that we are dedicated to protecting their records from any hackers or someone calling on the phone hoping to get any information. Looking at it from a mom and a patient’s point of view, it makes me feel a little easier about entrusting mine and my child’s information with them. We must as people in the health care field respect our patients and their privacy, and the code of ethics holds us accountable for these things. Being a billing and coding specialist, we have to be sure to code exactly what the doctor did during the visit to the best of my ability. The code of ethics mean I am responsible for educating myself on new changes that may be coming with future coding manuals, because they do change often. Overall the code of ethics ensure that as long as the guidelines are followed we can do our jobs accurately and with the proper

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