The Pros And Cons Of The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution was a time in history when the civilization of humankind vastly improved with the inventions of many machines, and the improvement of transportation. Because of these improvements, the techniques of many countries around the world were enhanced. But similar to other great phenomenons in the history of the world, the Industrial Revolution also had negative consequences such as child labor, and pollution from the factories and vehicles. But because of the multitude of factors, the industrial revolution had more positive consequences than negative.

A big reason why the industrial revolution was overwhelmingly positive is because of the invention of many machines that made the economy better with prices of goods and …show more content…

They were the spinning machine (invented in 1770), and the weaving machine (invented in 1933). This became important to the people because the spinning and the weaving time to make the clothing was cut down my a large margin. This was a long-term economic factor because the work became easier, and this helped the tactile industry evolve till now. Without these machines, the tactile industry would be immensely different. The average price for all of these clothing would be more expensive than it would be now. Another machine that was built during the industrial revolution was the steam engine, which was built in 1763. With this machine, the method of transportation improved tremendously. Before the industrial revolution, the fastest and most efficient way to travel was with animal power, especially with horses. But because the horses could not travel far distances, and it could not go very fast, the steam engine transportations were more superior. The steam …show more content…

When the revolution came by, many factories and machines were made. These machines used fuel, which was coal and oil. When used, these fuels released many harmful chemicals such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide were emitted into the environment. These harmful gasses caused many significant consequences for the health. Because the harmful gases were emitted and polluted the earth forever, the harmful gases are a long-term, environmental issue. The pollution in the air has helped cause problems such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and some serious and dangerous disease to the lung air sacs. But humans were not the only ones who suffered from the polluted environment. Animals suffered too. With the occurrence of the industrial revolution, many species went extinct. One that is frequently observed is the passenger pigeon. Before the industrial revolution, the world was filled with these pigeons. But because of the industrial revolution, the passenger pigeon went extinct in 1914. Just one hundred years before the species went extinct, it was estimated that 3 billion of these pigeons inhabited the earth. As shown, because of the industrial revolution, all living animals suffered from the Industrial Revolution. Nonetheless, the Industrial Revolution had more positive consequences such as the other important inventions such as the light

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