Social Consequences Of The Industrial Revolution

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Social Consequences: Although the Industrial Revolution caused a drastic increase in the industrial production, the impact was not as positive socially. The two most significant social consequences of the First Industrial Revolution are the impact on the families and the hardships of relocating to find employment. In the first 60 years of the Industrial Revolution the quality of life for many people decreased. Many worked in dangerous working conditions. Living conditions were worse for the poor. Many turned to poorhouses which were set up by the government. The houses were designed to be deliberately tough places to deter people from staying on government aid. Family’s members were disconnected and treated harshly. (“Effects of
The industrial Revolution began in England in the 1700’s. The First Industrial Revolution contributed to the rise of capitalism in that it led to investing in factories, increased production and higher demands for raw materials, led to worldwide trade, new innovations and inventions. Changes in transportation, agriculture, and communication were considered the largest contributions to capitalism (Arellano, n.d). The new inventions led to building more factories for people to work. The wealthy people brought and managed the factories. The workers received a wage for their work. The addition of the machines used in the factories helped create the Capitalism economic system by creating the wage format for the people that worked in the factories (Walker,
No one having control over the means of production implies that everything is shared by all in communism. There are equal wages for all, and no one is richer or poorer than others are. Capitalism is a political system where private ownership of resources is accepted and even encouraged. Certain individuals have the ownership for the means of production while some have none other than their own labor.
Two significant differences between communism and capitalism is the construction economy and the way in which people are viewed and treated in society. The difference between capitalism and communism is focused on government ownership and treatment of people. Capitalism and communism are clearly different. Capitalism is clearly concerned with individualism and private enterprise. Communism is the completely different from Capitalism in the distinct way the government is involved as well as the treatment of people. People are much less important in communism. The gain of society as a whole is the most important and takes priority over individuals. The structure of the social class is a significant difference in capitalism and communism. The disparity between the poor and the wealthy is substantial. There is an obvious gap between the social class of the rich and poor in capitalism. Wealth is earned and no one is given

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