Compare And Contrast Capitalism And Socialism

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All for one or one for all? That is the question that’s really being asked when comparing capitalism and socialism. In a capitalist economy, such as America, the money earned by an individual is for said individual and belongs to them. However, in a socialist economy, such as Italy, the money earned by a person is for the country and is redistributed among the people equally. One major difference is the role that the government plays in each economy. Capitalism and Socialism are practically opposites and the way their governments work are pretty much opposite of each other as well. A capitalist government is only supposed to assist where needed and allows the people free enterprise. A socialist government is reversed; the government provides for the people, like paying for insurance and hospital visits, but takes away the opportunity of personal financial gain.

Both Capitalism and Socialism want the same thing but have different ideas on how to obtain it. That thing is a strong and prosperous country filled with happy and hard-working people. Although the goal is the same the approach is different just like how different people come up with their own ideas on how to solve the …show more content…

By relinquishing private ownership the theory is that the state will oversee the distribution of wealth in a fair and equal manner. One of the shortcomings of this idea is it basiclly rules out the ideas of natural selection being necessary to the overall expansion and development of mankind. When you place laws against the development of better technologies you are depriving your economy of the chance to grow. Socialism discourages workers because there is no chance for personal gain, thus eliminating the will to work hard and improve

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