Theme Of Socialism In The Jungle By Upton Sinclair

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Socialism versus Capitalism in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

Even before the beginning of the twentieth century, the debate between socialists and capitalists has raged. In The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, he portrays capitalism as the cause of all evils in society. Sinclair shows the horrors of capitalism. In The Gospel of Wealth, by Andrew Carnegie, he portrays capitalism as a system of opportunity. However, both Carnegie and Sinclair had something to gain from their writings; both men had an agenda. Capitalism and socialism both have advantages and pitfalls; when capitalism is adopted using certain socialist ideals, a truly prosperous society exists. A major theme of The Jungle is socialism as a remedy for the evils of capitalism. Every …show more content…

The description of capitalism in The Jungle and "The Gospel of Wealth" are polar opposites. In The Jungle, the horrors of capitalism are exaggerated and its promise is non-existent. For example, Sinclair describes capitalism as a system that is " relentless, remorseless … and cruel" and if someone tried to get in its way, it would "cut his throat and watch him gasp for life" (Sinclair 41). A character like Andrew Carnegie does not exist. There is not one single character that was impoverished and made it in the capitalist system. However, in "The Gospel of Wealth a person like Jurgis is scoffed at. He implies that anyone can climb out of poverty. He makes it seem like there are no faults with the capitalist system and everything is wrong with the socialist system. With both authors exaggerating their claims, the truth lies somewhere in between. Thus, a society that accentuates both systems strengths and minimizes its failures will be a prosperous …show more content…

Our basic economic system is still capitalist, but there are some elements of socialism. It harder businesses blatantly exploit their workers, consumers or competitors in America, because of government regulation. Even though exploitation still exists, it is on a much smaller scale and not as extreme. Exploitation on the same scale as in The Jungle, now mainly exists overseas. Laws now allow collective bargaining, which gives unions and in turn workers power. Another element of socialism in American society is the minimum wage law, as well as overtime laws. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and Welfare are all socialist ideals that have infiltrated our capitalist society. Our uneven tax scale and universal healthcare for children are other examples. With this blend of capitalism with socialist ideals, the working class can be taken care of, but not at the expense of losing America's capitalist identity. In other countries socialism or communism has blended with capitalism. Capitalism has infiltrated China. Even though the politics of China are still Communist, its expansion of trade with the west as well as its open markets are capitalist ideals. This has enabled China to become a more prosperous nation. In Europe, almost every country has a government run national airline, a socialist principal. In Norway capitalism has been combined with socialism.

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