The Importance Of Writing On Student Tardiness

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I hate my 8:00 AM class because of the terrible traffic and lack of good marking spaces. It is impossible to be on time when literally everyone goes to work or school at the exact same hour and using the same highway. 1. I did not change my style because I am very casual and to the point when writing on Facebook. No one would want to read a whole lot anyway so it is best to keep it short. 2. It was easy because I simply said what was on my mind the same way I do on social media and I actually do have this problem in the morning. 3. Nothing concerned me because I realize that this is one of the most common issues for students and if they read it they could relate easily. 4. I am comfortable with this style of writing because I am use to it. …show more content…

The most frequent reason students have problems with classes as early as 8:00 AM is due to the traffic that pose problems. The bridge located on Highway 501 is notorious for heavy traffic and accidents. The real culprit is the fact that nearly all businesses and other schools open at 8:00 AM, thus causing traffic on the main highway. Many students who students who live only ten minutes away must leave an hour early to be at least five minutes early. Though there are no real solutions to the traffic, I ask that we allow closer parking to buildings again, at least in the mornings, to allow students extra time to get to class instead of using only student parking, which can take up to eight minutes of walking to arrive to …show more content…

I kept the writing style that I use for more formal writing, although I had to tweak it a bit as this was not me simply writing down my direct thoughts from my head. 2. It was slightly difficult as it was a stretch from the other two pieces. I also felt I could not make it personal to me the way I did before because I doubt the administrators would look at my individual problem above other ones and the problem is the lack of closeness and familiarity I felt from before. I am more honest to myself in the first two pieces. 3. The only thing that concerned me is their lack of understanding. They have no idea who I am, and I don’t know if they could relate to this issue or not. I feel that they would look at the first few lines, decide it was a waste of time and turn it away. Their coworkers, spouses, and children would be better candidates to talk about this with them because then all formality is gone and they will probably speak more

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